NEC to Appear Before the Senate


NEC to Appear Before the Senate

The members of the Board of Commissioners of the National Election Commissioner (NEC) are expected to appear before the Plenary of the Senate on Tuesday February 21, 2023, on the preparedness of the Electoral body to conduct the pending October 2023 elections.

The citation of NEC was based on the decision by a communication from Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, bringing to the attention of Plenary on the ability and preparedness of the National Elections Commission (NEC) to conduct the pending elections.

Senator Lawrence said there are visible indications that the NEC is running against time on the conduct of the nationwide biometric voters’ registration exercise.

She indicated, in her communication that in order for Liberia to foster a continuous path of sustained peace and democratic governance under the rule of law, the 2023 elections must be conducted in a credible, transparent, free, and fair manner as guaranteed by the new elections law of Liberia.

Accordingly, Commissioners of NEC, appearing  before that August body, as a Committee of a Whole on next week Tuesday, to state its preparedness to conduct the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections without impediments.

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