EMOL CEO Frowns On Education Ministry for ‘Coerced Extortion’


EMOL CEO Frowns On Education Ministry for ‘Coerced Extortion’

-Terms Incomprehensible Instituted 3rd Graders Exam

Veteran Liberian journalist and Chief Executive Officer of the Emancipation Movement of Liberia, EMOL, Jarwinken Wiah, has termed as incomprehensible the Ministry of Education policy that compels children in third grade to take the Ministry’s constituted exams.

According to the education authorities, the third graders’ exams is an evaluation test to determine the children’s level of understanding of lessons taught them from nursery to third grade.

The Liberian Government raised eyebrows among parents when it introduced the third graders’ exams, mainly with its corresponding fees at a time they can hardly afford to pay their children’s school fees.

In reaction to the new policy, Mr. Wiah, who is currently visiting Liberia from the United States, said he does not understand logic of charging extra fees for their children in third grade to sit an exam.

“I call this new policy coerced extortion,” Mr. Wiah said.

Wiah, who for several years, covered the National Legislature for the Inquirer Newspaper, said it is unfair for parents to pay extra fees for a so-called third graders’ exams under an unfavorable economic condition such like the one that prevails in the Country.

Education Minister Ansu Sonii

The EMOL CEO wonders what the dividend of the third graders’ exams is to students who sit and pass. “If the Ministry of Education’s only intent is assess the students level of understanding from nursery to 3rd why then is it charging extra fees which add more burden on the parents,” Mr. Wiah asked.

When IPNEWS contacted the Communications Director of the Ministry of Education to make an inquiry, J Maxime Bleetahn responded in an arrogant fashion. “Look this is a policy issue and we are not in the position to speak to critics concerns,” Bleetahn said and hanged up.

Third graders in Liberia have for a little over two to three years begun writing a Ministry Education designed exams like the West African Examination Council Exams for nine and twelve graders.

The Liberian education system continues to face criticisms due to the underperformance of many high school graduates.

Former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, it can be recalled, referred to the Country’s education system as a mess.

Other critics think the system is the least in the West African Sub Region.

Veteran Liberian journalist Wiah has frowned on the Government for doing little to improve the education system.

Mr. Wiah has also called on the government to discourage the culture of impunity and clamp down on corrupt public officials no matter their status and political affiliation.

Wiah observed that Liberia is making slow progress because of successive government’s failure to do the right things, adding that even members of the Legislature, who are direct representatives of the ordinary people appear to be ignorant of their cardinal responsibilities.

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