Alleged Russian Plot to Overthrow Pres. George Weah, Others Busted

Crime Watch

Alleged Russian Plot to Overthrow Pres. George Weah, Others Busted

….. But linked Russian Recruit Melee Kermue Distances Himself from Russian Plot

IPNEWS: In the aftermath of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Mali visit this week on Tuesday, February 7,Β  new revelations are now emerging about a purported plan by the Russian Federation to topple three West African Presidents, including George Weah.

According to the Washington Examiner, a U.S.A based renowned online newspaper with credit of military invasion and movement, Wagner Group, the mercenary army run by Vladimir Putin’s ally Yevgeny Prigozhin may be accelerating plans for a coup in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the Ivory Coast.

The report also stated that the Russians recruited Melee Kermue, a Liberian to execute the plot in the Mano River Union countries, bringing in mercenary spies under the appearance of businesspersons, a former US department of a defense official who worked with the Coalition forces in Iraq said.

Wagner’s activities in the region appear coordinated by Melee Kermue, a former U.S. convict whom Sergei Berdnikov, Russia’s ambassador in Ghana, appointed to be Russia’s honorary consul-general in Liberia, Michael Rubin a former Pentagon official said in an article published Wednesday in the Washington Examiner.

β€œHe reportedly allowed Wagner experts to come into the country under the guise of businessmen.

β€œWhen Maada Bio was in the United Kingdom last August, anti-government protesters egged on and paid by Wagner instigated an insurrection meant to force his ouster.”

While the Ivory Coast was long one of the most stable countries in West Africa and a regional economic powerhouse, it too is under threat, he said. β€œThe Wagner Group has recruited in the country for its Ukraine fight. And Russian proxies in Mali and Burkina Faso covet the country’s natural resources.”

Wagner has been on the offensive across Africa. the group has sunk roots into the Central Africa Republic and embraced juntas if not masterminded their coups in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea.

However, the man at the center of this linked plot, Melee Kermue, has denied ever meeting or doing business with a Russian group to topple the governments of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the Ivory Coast.

Alleged Russian Recruiter Melee Kermue

In a dispatched to the Independent Probe Newspaper, Melee Kermue, stated that the allegations are malicious, slanderous, and fallacious Op-Ed published by the Washington Examiner captioned; “Wagner’s next targets in Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast”.

He said the article is vicious, mendacious, and an unprofessional Op-Ed is written by a fellow identified as Michael Rubin–“who appears to be on a dreadful mission to ruin my reputation and put my life in harm’s way.”

β€œMichael Rubin, the protagonist writer, clearly does not know me and made no efforts to contact me before writing his twisted, erroneous, and treacherous Op-Ed. It marvels me how he finds the utter temerity to link me to planned subversive activities in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Cote d’ Ivoire as an Agent of a Russian Security Firm known as Wagner, something I have never dreamt of in my life. The lies embedded in this Op-Ed are not only disgusting but send chills down my spine. Never have I experienced such massive lies told against me.” Melee Kermue told IPNEWS.

In the Op-Ed, Rubin writes, “Wagner’s activities in the region appear coordinated by Melee Kermue, a former U.S. convict whom Sergei Berdnikov, Russia’s ambassador in Ghana, appointed to be Russia’s honorary consul-general in Liberia. He reportedly allowed Wagner experts to come into the country under the guise of businessmen. While Liberia heads to the polls this autumn, Weah’s general incompetence suggests Wagner may be accelerating plans for a coup to prevent more competent leadership from solidifying the country’s economy and relations with the U.S.”

Melee Kermue rejected knowing about the existence of the Wagner Group and clarified that he has never met or interacted with them.

β€œFirstly, I do not know of the existence of this so-called Russian group called Wagner–suffice to say I have never met them, and neither have I interacted with them. Secondly, never in my lifetime have I ever been associated with military activities or been linked to the enterprise of international security. My enterprise of business has always been international cooperation and direct foreign investments. Thirdly, l am an ambassador of peace and someone who strongly believes in democracy and constitutional transfer of power. I detest in the highest term all forms of military and/or violent takeover of power. I have no record of being involved in war and violence in Liberia or anywhere across Africa and the world at large. My interest is and has always been fostering peace, tranquility, and socioeconomic transformation of my country Liberia and Africa as a whole. And this I have relentlessly dedicated an umpteen amount of my time to and shall continue to do so.”

β€œThe fact that the writer and U.S.-based Washington Examiner media group failed to contact me in line with the principles of ethical journalism certainly suggests that the intent of the story is utterly barbaric. With a conceived wicked objective, the writer refused to contact me and went on to publish a colossal tale of lies, only to fulfill the evil wishes of his benefactors.”

β€œNow for the record, I do have a connection with Russia and that connection is purely diplomatic, professional, and productive. On 7 October 2022, I was appointed by the Russian government as the Honorary Consul-General to Liberia with the mandate to enhance economic and social relations between both countries. Foreign Minister D. Maxwell Kemayah has yet to sign my consent letter. His reason for stonewalling the signing of my consent letter remains a mystery, as it remains ls incomprehensible to me.” Melee Kermue narrated.

Kermue further stated that the Minister of Foreign Affairs has signed his assignment letter and wonders how could he be working with the Russians for such operations?

Melee Kermue: β€œOf course, because he hasn’t signed, I cannot officially take up my role and her up with my job–with so much at stake relative to what Liberia stands to benefit. It is important to note for the record that Liberia and Russia still maintain sound diplomatic ties. I accepted this role primarily because the Russian Federation has been graciously pumping millions into Liberia, including funding Liberia’s TVET program. Millions more were given to Liberia during the ravaging Ebola epidemic outbreak.”

Regarding Sierra Leone and Cote d’ Ivoire, Melee Kermue stated that he has direct and very excellent relationships with people at the helm of power, who are his brothers with great relationships for several years, and wonders how could such rubbish be written linking him to possible overthrow in the respective countries.

β€œI have direct and very excellent relationships with people at the helm of power in Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast. They are my brothers with whom I have had great relationships and unhindered access for several years now. So, how can I be plotting subversion against people with whom I am so firmly aligned and deeply admired? It will be counterintuitive if not unwise to do such. Besides, I have no ability or impulse to do such evil. I pose no risk to the peace of any of these countries. I am a harmless and peaceful man.”

β€œI have written Washington Examiner expressing my strong dissatisfaction about such malicious, unethical, and disgraceful publication against me. I have accordingly notified my lawyers in the United States to determine a possible lawsuit against the Washington Examiner for publishing such a malicious and defamatory Op-Ed against me. The allegations made in this Op-Ed are profoundly grave and damaging to my character, and no doubt puts my life in danger. It will be absurd and negligent of me to take lightly these outrageous comments and writings by both Michael Rubin and the Washington Examiner.” Melee Kermue exclaimed.

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