Will Liberian Traditional Leaders And Zoes Actually Heed The Ban Announced On FGM?

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Will Liberian Traditional Leaders And Zoes Actually Heed The Ban Announced On FGM?

Many are wondering if traditional leaders and Zoes will adhere to this latest ban on Female Gentile Mutilation (FGM) announced on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

On several occasions in the past, ban of FGM practices had been announced but yet the practice had still been continuing.

The Liberian government of Liberia through the Gender Ministry and its partners–EU and UN Spotlight Initiative in Collaboration with Montserrado County Traditional Leaders– have now declared FGM banned in Montserrado County with an agreement to initiate without mutilation. An extension is promised to the other 14 counties of Liberia.

The Program was held in observances   of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation on February 6, in Monsterrado Todee, Sonkay Town District which brought together Zoes, traditional leaders, UN Women, European Union, World Bank, African Development Bank, the government of Liberia and others under the theme: Partnership with men and boys to transform social and gender norms to end FGM.

Speaking during the   Program, Chairman of the National Council of Chief and Elders in Liberia NACCEL, Chief Zanzan Karwor said, they have collaborated with every traditional leaders to abolish FGM in the remaining ten counties, if the respect they due as traditional leaders is given to them.

He also warned violators with cultural traditional punishment and to introduce the “Kpowah Sande Society” that involved initiation without mutilation, in order to continue their cultural education among their inheritance.

“No one has the authority to bring FGM back, not even   those who will come to you telling you to vote for them so that they can bring it back FGM,” he maintained.

Vice President Chief Jewel Howard Taylor sitting with chiefs

Chief Zanzan Karwor noted that they are doing so, because they don’t want Liberia to be left behind but for the whole World to help the Country.

However, reading statement of progress, the traditional Queen, Juli Endee said they have  agreed to  close  and ban the  FGM activities and  will gradually  continue in other Counties,  if  the necessary  measures  are put in place.

“We have 11 counties that are practicing the FGM, for Montserrado we have done our traditional rituals practices for 19 days and nights to speak with our ancestors, who allowed us to come to such decisions, Amb. Juli Endee assured the public.

On her part, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor thanked the Chief Traditional Leaders, Ambassador’s and all the UN sectors people for helping us reached this far.

She also appealed to the UN sector to have a friendly environment including active activities to complete the work.

“Right now, people will be looking to see what you have done, because it was not easy thing to see us today has taken more than 10 years with all the sacrifices and trust being given to our women and traditional leaders, so that when they are speaking, everyone will follow,” the Liberian Vice President concluded.

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