United People’s Party 6th National Party Congress Results


United People’s Party 6th National Party Congress Results

To restore the United People’s Party to normal constitutional and legal compliance, the Interim Leadership Council of the United People’s Party, with a single and precise mandate, has conducted the 6th National Party Congress of the United People’s Party (UPP), a release signed by  Rev. Kla Nathaniel Moore, Chairman of the interim Council  says.

The 6th National Party Congress brought together 141 delegates, representing the 73 electoral districts, the 15 Counties of Liberia, the Interim Council and former members of the National Executive Committee. The event was hosted on Saturday, January 28, 2023, at the National Headquarters of United People’s Party, oldest Congo town, Montserrado County.

The 6th National Party Congress was presided over by the Congress Bureau and assisted by Election Commission with the following persons elected as National Executive Committee members, to steer the Affairs of the Party for the next term of office:

  1. Susannah Lorpu Mator Seton, National Chairman
  2. Aaron Jutomu Larteh, National Secretary General
  3. Mohammed Sonii, National vice Chairman/Administration
  4. Zayzay Kolubah, National vice Chairman/Operations
  5. Bobbyson Sorboti, National vice Chair/Recruit, Memb. & Mob.
  6. Stephen D. Siryon, National vice Chair/Political Affairs
  7. Blamo Toe, National vice Chair/Strategy, Planning & Development
  8. Amos Garblah, National vice Chair/International Relations
  9. Daniel Buegar, National vice Chairman/Public Affairs
  10. Aretha Divine, National vice Chairman/Gender Mainstreaming
  11. J.B. Emmanuel Kweteh, National Vice Chairman/Youth Affairs
  12. Lisa O. Togbanyahn, Assistant National Vice Chairman/Gender-Mainstreaming

The National Treasurer and other junior positions that were not contested for are expected to be filled by the new leadership emerging from the 6th National Party Congress.

According to the 6th National Party Congress’ Reports, Mrs. Susannah Lorpu Mator Seton emerged as National Chairman of the Party with 85 votes against Mr. Edward Farley of 40 votes. Mr. Aaron Jutomu Larteh won as National Secretary General with 80 votes against Stephen N. Tugbeh of 45 votes, and Mr. Stephen D. Siryon won Roland Tropeh with 63 to 62 votes, while the rest of the National Elective Committee members were elected on white ballots.

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