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–To Create More Jobs, Reduce Poverty & Inequality; Agricultural Hubs with Storage Facilities

On Monday, January 30, 2023, President George Weah delivered to the 54th Legislature in his last State of the Nation Address, where he outlined the significant gains made over the last five years, as well as the challenges encountered, but expressed hope that his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led government is bent on continuing to deliver the goods to the Liberian people.

According to President Weah, in October of 2022 he launched the Accelerated Community Development Program or ACDP, as it is commonly called. The first phase of this flagship program, the Liberian leader stated is being implemented in partnership with the UNDP, and has budgeted at US$100 million, and will help his government to create more jobs and reduce poverty and inequality in some of the poorest rural and urban communities in Liberia.

“As I stated at the launch, our aim is for the ACDP to become our largest national program investing in community development. Over the next few years, our Ministries and Agencies – specifically, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Water and Sanitation Commission, and others – will collaborate with UNDP and other development partners such as the World Bank, to invest in constructing agricultural feeder roads, water and irrigation systems for farmers, hydro power plants, sanitation facilities, and markets to serve local communities,” President Weah stated.

President Weah informed the 54th Legislature that also included in the ACDP will be agricultural hubs equipped with food storage facilities, machines, schools and health centers, boreholes, and hand pumps placed in hard-to-reach communities across Liberia. “We will also be providing agricultural tools, tractors, and farm equipment to help our farmers and cooperatives increase their productivity and improve their livelihoods.”

Commenting on which of the communities that are currently benefitting, President Weah announced that the initial US$14.5 million has been secured for the program, and work has now started in 18 communities, namely; Donfah, Boimah Town and Jowuleta Town in Bong County; Bopolu City, Compansu, Madina, Sappima, Loloma Town, Farweinta, and Totoquelleh in Gbarpolu County; Yarpah Town, Gberdiah Town, Tompoe Town, Duo Town, Quarcee Town, Whyongar Town, and Old Yarpah Town in Rivercess County; and Fanti Town, in Grand Cape Mount County.

According to the Liberian chief executive, over the coming months, the program will expand to 42 additional communities in Montserrado (Greater Monrovia), River Gee, Grand Gedeh and Grand Kru County, and by next year (2024), the government will be investing in all counties and districts across the country.

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