ECC Descends on Rep. Kolubah for Posting Campaign Banners At Legislature

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ECC Descends on Rep. Kolubah for Posting Campaign Banners At Legislature

–Calls on Opposition Parties to STOP Pre-campaign Activities

The Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) has condemned the posting of campaign banners by Montserrado County’s district #10 Representative, Yekeh Kolubah, displaying the pictures of presidential aspirants Joseph Boakai and Alexander Cummings at the Capitol Building on February 7, 2023, while at the same time declaring campaign open for the opposition. “Due to the critical nature of the 2023 elections, ECC discourages such acts of violation or forms of mockery of the Liberian democratic process to maintain the sanity of our electoral system,” ECC stated in a press release.

   According to the election body, the ECC also continues to receive reports from its county and district monitors that aspirants from the Unity Party (UP), Alternative National Congress (ANC), and People Unification Party (PUP) are involved in the printing and posting of flyers, banners or stickers which depict the act of pre-campaigning under the NEC regulations.

   “ECC believes these instances of violation are happening due to the NEC’s failure to enforce its regulations during previous ones. These trends in the bridge of the campaign regulations are worrisome as this may set the basis for violations of other regulations of the 2023 electoral legal framework,” ECC reiterated.

   “ECC, therefore, calls on the NEC to levy the stipulated fines and penalties outlined in the regulations for violations of any component of the electoral legal framework to preserve the integrity of the process. In addition, all parties and aspirants are encouraged to desist from every form of pre-campaign activity as a respect for the rule of law guarding these elections.”  


It may be recalled, Montserrado County District # 10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah rallied some opposition Lawmakers and others by a political surprise when erected two giant-size billboards on the right and left flanks of the main entrance of the Capitol Building in Monrovia, early Tuesday morning.


The billboards host the photo of two major opposition leaders Alexander B. Cummings and Amb. Joseph Boakai of the Alternative National congress and Unity Party respectively. Rep. Kolubah said similar actions have been portrayed by the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change whilst the National Elections Commission (NEC) remains tight-lipped about it.

The decision of the district #10 lawmaker to erect a billboard board at the entrance of the Capitol Building on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, created a state of hesitation and fear amongst citizens as elections fast approach with no fear for elections guideline. However, it is not yet been made clear what action will the 54th Legislature will take against Rep. Kolubah.

Rep. Kolubah, who is one of the strong critics of President Weah and the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change government, has on numerous occasions criticized President Weah and his government about corruption and other malpractices.

It can be recalled sometime last year, the Montserrado County District #10 Representative insisted that a comprehensive audit be conducted at the House of Representatives, under the leadership of speaker Bhofal Chambers of Pleebo Sodoken District in Maryland County.

Representative Kolubah alleged that the House of Representatives is inherently corrupt and has blatantly violated all the financial laws of the country since the inception of the Weah led government.

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