Cllr. Nyanti Tuan Replaces Cllr Cephus as Solicitor General, If Confirmed By Senate

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Cllr. Nyanti Tuan Replaces Cllr Cephus as Solicitor General, If Confirmed By Senate

The Deputy Minister of Justice for Codification, Cllr. Nyenati Tuan will today, Wednesday February 8, 2023 appear before the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights for confirmation hearing following his nomination by President George Weah last year.

The Solicitor General-designate Cllr. Nyanti Tuan if confirmed by the Senate will replace former Solicitor General, Cllr. Seyma Syrenius Cephus, who was sanctioned by the United States Treasury Department last year.

The Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights, will hold confirmation hearing for Solicitor Cllr. Tuan beginning at 2pm today, Wednesday at the Senate.

It can be recalled that President George Weah at the latter part of 2022 nominated Cllr. Tuan to the position of Solicitor General pending confirmation by the Senate.

Meanwhile, if confirmed by that August Body, Cllr. Tuan will replace former Solicitor General, Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus.

However, Cllr. Cephus resigned last year following the imposition of Sanction on him and three other Government Officials by the United States Treasury.

Cllr. Tuan served as Deputy Minister for Codification at the Ministry of Justice and currently serves as Acting Solicitor General since the resignation of Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus.

Meanwhile, there is public outcries regarding the attitude of Cllr. Nyenati Tuan while serving as Deputy Minister Justice for Codification when he deliberately refused to cater to victims of an accident involving his car.

The 10-year-old’s leg got broken in two places

The victims were hit by Cllr. Tuan’s vehicle on a Sunday while coming from church and after police investigation which found the Deputy Justice Minister for Codification in the wrong, he reportedly refused to shoulder the responsibility of the hospital cost of the victims, to the point their victims’ mother, one Jamesetta Taylor had to sue him for damages.

IPNEWS even learned that while in court, the Deputy Justice Minister for Codification wanted to use his position and influence to swing the case in his favor, but unfortunately for him, the judge brought him down guilty.

Legal pundits warned the Senate to carefully vet Cllr. Tuan judging from his behavior by allegedly using his previous position to suppress a poor woman whose children his vehicle on a Sunday while coming from church, and with that manner, it is unclear whether he is fit professionally to serve as the lead prosecutor of the Republic of Liberia as Solicitor General if confirmed.

Deputy Justice Minister Tuan Accused of Using Office to Thwart Justice from 3 Kids

It can be recalled in March 2020, Deputy Minister for Codification at the Ministry of Justice, Cllr. Nyenati Tuan, was accused of using his position to thwart justice from three kids he allegedly injured when his vehicle ran into a motorbike carrying the children on March 1, 2020. Cllr. Tuan was also being accused of abandoning the kids, while their poor mother struggles to medicate them.

According to their mother, Jamesetta Taylor, the kids were on their way from the GSA Road Winner Chapel branch when Min. Tuan allegedly ran into the bike carrying them. According to her, it was a kind-hearted lady, who witnessed the accident and called the police when the Minister was driving away. This ‘Good Samaritan’ also took the kids to the ELWA Hospital.

 “I did not even know about the accident until the kids were taken to the hospital by the lady who said Tuan had refused to take the kids in his vehicle, on grounds that he did not want blood in his car. My 10-year-old daughter’s leg got broken three times, while the 13-year-old’s leg broke twice. The five-year-old had minor injuries. Both girls underwent surgeries for their broken legs and the doctor said they won’t walk until after four months,” the kids’ mother narrated.

She accused the Deputy Justice Minister of taking undue advantage of her; adding “He has not taken responsibility of treating the kids even after the Monrovia Traffic Court summoned him through His Honor Judge Jomah S. Jallah.”

According to the Traffic Police report in the possession of this newspaper, Minister Tuan was charged with reckless driving and violating traffic law, by failing to yield to “The Right-of-Way” Ordinance.

“I did not even know about the accident until the kids were taken to the hospital by the lady who said Tuan had refused to take the kids in his vehicle, on grounds that he did not want blood in his car. My 10-year-old daughter’s leg got broken three times, while the 13-year-old’s leg broke twice. The five-year-old had minor injuries. Both girls underwent surgeries for their broken legs and the doctor said they won’t walk until after four months” – Ms. Jamesetta Taylor, mother of the kids

Speaking further, Ms. Taylor said after the police told Deputy Minister Tuan that he was wrong, he took exception and insisted on going to court.  She added: “But the court is dragging its feet while Minister Tuan moves around with impunity.”

“Every time we go to the court, his lawyer will bring out something to delay the process. Now we are scheduled for the 23rd of this month, and I do not know what they will say again,” she said melancholy.

Martin K.N. Kollie, an activist, who has been speaking on social media regarding the Minister’s alleged refusal to treat the kids, described his action as “pathetic and unacceptable.”

Kollie thinks there is problem with the justice system. According to him, while Ms. Taylor has been struggling to provide livelihood and medication for her kids, Deputy Minister Tuan is moving around with impunity.

“My babies are suffering and I want justice but I do not know if I will get the justice I need against a powerful lawyer who has friends in the justice system, because the case is delaying,”

Ms. Jamesetta Taylor

“Tuan must fully account for his action; his action is unbecoming of a public official. He has also violated the 2014 Code of Conduct. As an activist, my work is to protect the weak, the poor, the underprivileged, and the marginalized against all forms of abuse. The kids of Ms. Taylor must get justice,” Kollie further said.

When contacted, Deputy Minister Tuan said he could not speak to the allegation as the case is presently in court.

However, someone closer to the Deputy Minister told this newspaper that he (Tuan) hasn’t been inhumane as it is being portrayed on social media by Kollie and others. This person, who asked not to be named further said that Minister Tuan has been catering for the recuperation of the kids since the accident.

One of the daughters of Ms. Jamesetta Taylor who was hit by Solicitor General-designate Cllr. Tuan in 2020

“The 13-year-old has been released from the hospital, while the 10-year-old was scheduled by Minister Tuan to see Dr. [Robert] Kpoto who is his personal doctor. Dr. Kpoto suggested that either the kids be taken to JFK or Aspen Medicals where he sees his patients. But the mother refused and requested that Mr. Tuan should give her US$300 to take her daughters to a native doctor. So since the family has refused to give her cash, this is why all the noise is about on social media. If indeed the family had not been catering to the kids’ health since March, why she did not complain in March but waited for April 16 to post on social media?” this person said.

While all of this continue to drag on, the kids are still suffering from the trauma and pain.

Ms. Jamesetta Taylor, the kids’ mother is asking for justice for her kids and has meanwhile, asked humanitarians to provide her with support for her children’s health and paying court costs. “My babies are suffering and I want justice but I do not know if I will get the justice I need against a powerful lawyer who has friends in the justice system, because the case is delaying,” she said in 2020.

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