Prince Johnson’s Party Responds to Pres. Weah’s Calling Their Founder “A Killer”


Prince Johnson’s Party Responds to Pres. Weah’s Calling Their Founder “A Killer”

By James Lehmer Hiama Jr., 0770334857/ 0888270604

IPNEWS – The Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) said it notes with serious concern comments made by President George Weah against their political godfather and founder, Senator Prince Y. Johnson at the  his Forky Klon Jlaleh Family Christian Church on Sunday, February 5, 2023.

While delivering his sermon, President Weah used the pulpit to refer to Senator Johnson as a “killer and a blackmailer”.

MDR, in their strongly-worded press statement, refuted the characterization of Senator Johnson and pointed out that in 2017 the Senator genuinely supported the President and his Coalition during the runoff election. “During that time, the self-proclaimed Pastor Weah did not know that Senator Johnson was a killer and a blackmailer? It is only today that President Weah has come to know that Senator Johnson is a killer, blackmailer, beggar and a crock?”

The MDR charged that based on the President’s comment, they insinuate that he has a short memory. They bragged that it was because of their leader’s support for ‘Pastor Weah’ and his CDC that landed Senator Johnson on the sanction list of the United States.

“As a party, we would have thought that President Weah should have launched an immediate investigation about the alleged assassination plan on the life of our political godfather, the founder of MDR, and Senator of Nimba County,” the statement said.

Senator Prince Y. Johnson and then Candidate George Weah when things were rosy

Reading their statement on Monday, February 6, 2023, the National Vice Chair for Mobilization and Recruitment Nesco Alieu Wollo, said “Over the years, many have described President Weah as a peaceful person and one who conducts the affairs of the country conclusively. However, President Weah’s actions, his deeds, and manner of conducting the affairs of the country proves that Mr. Weah is far from being the person he is touted to be by many,” he read.

Wollo further said that during the President’s sermon, he had threatened to dismiss all government officials appointed from the MDR. “We are not surprised by said comment as President Weah has proven to be a very vindictive person over the years.”

MDR reminded President Weah and his corps of advisors that Senator Johnson is a revolutionary leader who has been consistent in his advocacy for his people.

“The Liberian President should also know that Senator Johnson’s participation in the Liberian civil war was as the result of extreme marginalization, killing and intimidation of Nimbaians. More than that, Senator Johnson, as a revolutionist, felt the ought to participate in the liberation of Liberia from the hands of a government that had instituted extract judicial killing, corruption, nepotism and other vices  that brought to its knees.”

“Interestingly, these vices have permeated every fabric of Weah’s government. Hence shifting of blames being attempted by President Weah is simply because Senator Prince Johnson has become even more vocal in the country and Nimba County.”

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