Six Persons Arraign To Court for Armed Robbery, Others Crimes

Crime Watch

Six Persons Arraign To Court for Armed Robbery, Others Crimes

By: Jacqueline L. Dennis

The Liberia National Police in Monrovia on Monday February 6, 2023 charged and forwarded to the Monrovia City Court six persons identified as Omaru Sheriff, alias D.O.C, Ben Y. Mulbah, Humphrey Soriba, Sekou Kamara, Bebcole Z. Mulbah and F.K Jefferson Chester for the alleged crime of Criminal Conspiracy, Armed Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder and Theft of Property.

The act of the defendants is in violation of Chapter 10, 14 and 15, Section 10.1 Section 10.4, Section 14.20, Sub. Chapter C, Section 15.32 and Section 15.51 of the revised Penal Code of Liberia.

The court records revealed that the victims Friday Moore and Benjamin B. Williams sustained wounds all over their bodies as victim Williams felt unconscious and the both sustained loss of properties including cash.

The documents said that victim Moore explained to the team of investigators that on Saturday October 15, 2022 between 8-9am he along with Barney Moore, Guikpadeh Tarr were instructed by one of the land Administrators in person of madam Mary Moore to go and plant Corner Stone on a piece of land in the same Caldwell community at which time they met defendants Sheriff, Patrick Togba, Abraham Sirleaf and others to be identified on the said land.

He further revealed that while they were trying to plant the corner stone on the land the defendants and his group were armed with pistol cutlasses and other deadly weapons and placed him under gun point, threatened to kill him at which time his friends, Barney Moore and Guikphadeh Tarr escaped from the scene and left him there. He added that defendant Sheriff and his criminal gangs assaulted him as he sustained wounds on his body and took away his item value USD 500 plus LD5,000.

However, another victim Williams who also experienced the same, also told Police Investigators that he was at the Zone-7 Depot 1 police station in Samukai Town, Upper Caldwell, on Sunday January 29, 2023 at 1400hr when a lady came with a complaint that defendant Sheriff and his group of men broke her house down in the Caldwell Oldfield Community. He said the Deputy Commissioner of Zone-7 Deport 1, Sgt. Zebedee Chea ordered a backup for the PSU officers who went on scene but they did not see anyone on the scene.

The court documents stated, while they were on their way back, he (Williams) got on a motorbike to follow the PSU officers, within no time defendant Sheriff and his group of men armed with cutlasses and deadly weapons rushed on him (PSU officer), assaulted him at which time he sustained wounds all over his body and he felt unconscious. He said defendants took his properties including his assigned NP-22 pistol and other items valued US$700. He was later taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

Meanwhile, the defendants awaitย courtย trail.

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