


On Saturday, February 4, 2023 the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) political establishment organized what it termed “One Million Man Assembly” to Petition their political leader and standard bearer, President George Weah, to seek a second six-year-term mandate for the Liberian presidency.

Members, supporters, sympathizers and well-wishers of the CDC pulled in from all walks of life from across the country to throng the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) in central Monrovia to witness the presentation of a re-election petition that has requested President Weah to seek a second term.

As they threaded on foot, while others ferried to the ATS in vehicles, there were massive crowds along the major streets in Monrovia and its environs, chanting and dancing to songs of the CDC. From Bushrod Island, Brewerville, Gardnersville, Paynesville, among many others, the huge crowds sent a signal that indeed the planners of the petition program had done their homework.

“Tsunami, tsunami, tsunami, tsunami, it will be a complete tsunami comes the 2023 presidential and legislative elections in October,” as the massive crowds sang, danced and chanted as they made their way to the ATS in central Monrovia.In

his acceptance speech following the reading of the petition presented to him by the CDC leadership, President said “Just over five years ago, Liberians went to the polls and participated in Presidential and Legislative elections, the results of which represented a major shift in the underlying fundamentals of the Liberian political dynamic.  In an orderly, lawful, and peaceful manner, Liberians voted, in overwhelming numbers, not just for a change of administration, but for a change of regime. 

In a quiet and determined way, they exercised their franchise to bring about a Change for Hope, and voted for a change in governance that would restore hope to the underprivileged, the poor, and the traditionally disadvantaged in our society, whose needs and aspirations had never been given appropriate priority and attention by previous administrations. 

At the end of a long campaign, when the results were announced after the run-off, it became clear that the pendulum had swung in the direction of youthful leadership, and that the paradigm had shifted in favor of change and transformation. 

It was the dawn of a new era in Liberian politics, a new era in which the Liberian electorate had given a landslide victory of over 85% to the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change. 

As Political Leader and Standard Bearer of the winning political party, the mantle and responsibility of leading this transformation therefore devolved upon me, when I was inaugurated as the 24th President of Liberia on January 22, 2018.” 

Speaking further, President Weah sated the challenges of leadership have been enormous, but in each and every one of these challenges, he has seen opportunities to make things better, and to bring permanent improvements to the lives of all Liberians.  “This transformation agenda, as captured in our national development plan, the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD), is on course, but will take some time before it is fully realized.  As they say, Rome was not built in one day.” 

Commenting further, he however noted, over the past five years, Liberia has made tremendous progress under their (CDC) leadership, including in the implementation and management of the Pro-Poor Agenda, where they have taken many bold initiatives in order to bring about the transformative change that Liberia needs to grow and to prosper.  “Some of these initiatives have represented new strategic approaches to development, and some of them again were tried and tested formulas for nation-building.  But they were all designed to work together to lift Liberia and Liberians to a higher standard of living.”

Regarding his reelection bid, President Weah told his CDCians, supporters, sympathizers and well-wishers that as the governing CDC comes to the end of the term to which we were elected, it is his intention to seek a second mandate from the Liberian people to continue the good works of their hands, and to complete their unfinished but imperative agenda. “I am sure that they will respond positively to our quest.  After all, they did this once, based on our promise of Change for Hope. I am sure that they will have even more reason to do so, now that they have seen the “Change That You Can Depend On”.

“I am therefore both pleased, and honored, to accept your nomination of me as your Standard Bearer, to lead our Party to seek a second six-year mandate from the Liberian People.  I am certain that with your full support and backing, our victory is assured,” President Weah declared.

Following the acceptance of his partisans request to seek reelection comes October 2023 elections, President Weah then used the occasion to welcome with sent warm and enthusiastic welcome to all those political parties that are seeking join “our Mighty Coalition!”  “You have come to the right place, Ladies and Gentlemen!  You have come to a Party that works, a Party that serves, a Party that achieves, a Party that succeeds, and above all, a Party that WINS!!”

“We also want to welcome, with open arms, all of our Partisans who once left us to seek what they mistakenly thought were better opportunities in other political parties, only to discover that there is nothing better than the CDC.  This is where you belong, and this is where you will remain.  Welcome back home.  We love you.”

The CDC political leader and standard bearer also recognized and appreciated their new young Auxiliaries, and their new First-Time coming-of-voting-age Members.  “We will employ your youthful enthusiasm to increase our membership and strengthen our capability to take our message to the people. 

I also want to congratulate our security apparatus, and to thank them all, both the military and para-military, for the excellent work done in maintaining peace and security throughout our tenure, without violating the human rights of our citizens.” 

As President Weah concluded his acceptance speech, he reminded CDCians, supporters, followers and well-wishers how they were vilified by some Liberians in 2005 for choosing to support his presidential ambition, calling them all sorts of names, but according to him, his followers made the right decision which has been justified in his leadership and development he is carrying in the country.

In the regular Liberian parlance Weah stated: “They say that yor na know nathing (nothing).  They also say I myself I na know nathing.  So, the very fact that you are following me, who they say I na know nathing, shows that you are stupid. 

Well, jes to prove to them that yor know sumtin, I want ask yor a question, and the answer that yor give to dis question will show whether you are clever or stupid, or whether you are smart or dumb.  The question I want ask yor, ehn, is this: 

6 years plus 6 years, that how many years??? 12 years!!! Yor see… yor clever!!  Yor know something!   Don’t mind these people lying on you, yah? Let me ask you the question again: 6 years plus 6 years equal what? 12 years!!!” 

“When we came to yor to ask you to vote for us, they say your na know nathing.  Yor didn’t go to school, yor don’t know nathing.  Even if some of you have been to college, and graduated and all, even if some of you making straight A’s in school, the fact that you are behind me, those people say that you don’t know ANYTHING, that you are stupid to follow JorWeah. 

But yor stuck with me, yor stuck with me.  And we won!  We won!! And we will win again!!   They keep accusing you that because yor are behind me, yor don’t know nathing.   So, I just want to ask you one question again, then I will let them know whether yor clever or not: 

6 years plus 6 years equal what?????? Da 12 years. You see.  Yor clever, yah? 

When we went to the Legislature the other night, we mentioned some of the things that we have done over the past 5 years.  We did not point out all the things we had done.  The list was too long. Because, if I had tried to name all the things that I have done, we were not going to leave that place until way after 9:00 o’clock that night.  I spoke for 3 hours and 17 minutes.  If I was going to continue to tell the people what all we have achieved together in these five years, hey, Liberian people, we were not going to move from that Capitol Building that night. 

Call me Prezo, we can’t help it.  That’s why they just talking.  But they forget to know that even if they double their socks, they can’t fit in my shoes.  I don’t know for them, but we cool.  I don’t know about them, but we cool.  Even if they double their socks, they can’t fit in my shoes.”

In the end, President stated in a more serious note that he wants to his partisans, supporters, followers and well-wishers you that if the Liberian people grant him a second term, they should prepare themselves to embrace another leader when that term ends.  “Our Constitution does not permit third terms, and so I will gladly stand down in 2030, and hand the gavel of the Presidency over to any leader that has been duly elected by the Liberian people.  This is a solemn pledge that I make to you today, and it is a pledge that I am committed to honor and respect.”

“And so today, I accept your call for me to run for second term.  I therefore appeal to all Liberians to join me in what you started five (5) years ago. All “n’embêta” of the CDC coalition members, of\ the UP, ANC, and Liberty Party, and all other political parties, are invited to join me in taking Liberia to a new era of Peace and Prosperity. You can COUNT ON THE CHANGE that I have delivered, and I will continue to provide more transformative leadership, in the supreme interest of the Liberian People. 

And therefore, I am here today to tell the Liberian people that I will be on the ballot as a Presidential candidate in the next elections,” President emphatically stated amid cheers and applause from his partisans, supporters, followers and well-wishers. 

Meanwhile, the three political parties making up the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) including Weah’s Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), the Liberian People Democratic Party (LPDP) of former House Speaker Alex Tyler and the National Patriotic Party (NPP) of Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor on Saturday endorsed President Weah’s second term bid.

NPP’s Chairman and Senator of Maryland County James Biney and the head of the LPDP and former House Speakers Alex Tyler were noticeable absentees at Saturday’s renomination program – validating reported claims of a split within the ruling Coalition.

However, Mulbah Morlu, Chairman of the Coalition for Democratic Change refuted allegations that the Coalition was on the brink of collapse when he presented a renomination document to President Weah to seek a second term on behalf of the Coalition.

“Mr. President, we have come as a coalition to let you know that your people (the three parties making up the Coalition) have agreed in unison and have declared that there is no vacancy for the Presidency in October 2023,” he said.

“With this document, they have come in one word to assure you of your continuity on the ticket to secure another six years.”

The LPDP represented by its National Chairman Moses Y. Kollie, meanwhile, raised the motion for the president to be renominated, which was seconded by the NPP’s Jewel Howard Taylor, who’s also the Vice President.

President Weah in his acceptance speech said he needs additional six years to complete what he has started as a president, urging his supporters not to listen to members of the opposition whose aims he said are to blackmail him despite the achievements he has recorded over the past six years.

Mulbah Morlue Extends Gratitude

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Coalition, Mr. Mulbah K. Morlue, has thanked his partisans for what he says organizing momentous & simultaneous nomination programs on Saturday at different locations in Liberia. According to Morlu, it testifies to the unwavering support his partisans continue to commit to one of their greatest sons, brothers & fathers, George M. Weah. 

“Thank you our distinguished Bassa people, especially along the Bassa belt stretching from Rivercess to Buchanan where an impressive nomination program was also held. Thank you, Lofa County for increasing your support for your party and President as was demonstrated in the huge nomination programs you planned in Voinjama. Thanks to all diaspora chapters for the support and relentless commitments to the President and the party. 

“A big thank you to all members of the National Executive Committee of the CDC, the Coalition for Democratic Change and party stalwarts for the incessant commitment & hard-work. Plenty thanks to the Youth League, Women League, Regional, County & District leadership structures, & all Auxiliaries of the mighty CDC. Thank you a lot to all zonal heads, Militants, Gladiators & Revolutionaries of the Mighty party for staying focused & committed. 

“Thank you very much to our prolific first-time voters; you’re making a difference that can no longer be ignored. Your thank you’ very much, the Christian Community, Muslim Community, Tailor & Transport Unions, Teachers, Market Women, Business Men & Women, Pen-Pen Riders, students, civil servants, fishermen & Cyber Warriors. 

“Thank you, Mr. President, Your Excellency George M. Weah, for the support. We remain grateful & humble under your wise leadership. Above all, we give praises and honor to the Lord God Almighty for blessing the success of the just-ended program. Nevertheless, this achievement must not slow us down to complacency, but ought to inspire us to accelerate the growing momentum & work harder. And, it begins with VOTERS REGISTRATION; get ready for internal discussions & preparations.” Writes Siebo Williams, Editor-in-Chief, IPNEWS

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