The CPP has expressed serious concerns over statements by the leadership of the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruc=on (MDR) that the Government of Liberia is secretly planning to assassinate Senator Prince Y. Johnson of Nimba County and founder of the MDR, because of cri=cisms Sen. Johnson made against the President of Liberia, in response to the President’s State of the Na=on Address.
The CPP views these statements as very serious, and calls on the Government of Liberia to launch an immediate probe, to ascertain the veracity of the claims, and bring any perpetrator to jus=ce.
The CPP wishes to remind the Government of Liberia, that Sen. Johnson, like any Liberian in general, and any poli=cal leader in par=cular, has the cons=tu=onally protected right to cri=cize the government and the President for bad governance, without fear of secret assassina=on. The CPP calls on the Government to ensure that Sen. Johnson has adequate security and protec=on, to guarantee his safety.