‘Senator Koung Threatens My Life’ – Nimba Businessman Alleges over Rental Arrears, But…

Business News

‘Senator Koung Threatens My Life’ – Nimba Businessman Alleges over Rental Arrears, But…

A businessman and prominent son of Nimba County has alleged that his life has been threatened by Sen. Jeremiah Koung for demanding money owed him by the Nimba County Senator.

According to Mr. Mark Kardamie who fled the country in fear for his life, he and Senator Koung entered in a transaction for the use of his apartment so that it can be used as a staff quarter for doctors and nurses that would be assigned at the Senator’s private hospital.

The agreement entered into included the payment of two years’ rental fees which years amounted to the total of US$7,200.00 including US$10.00 daily for petroleum to provide electricity for the facility.

Though the agreement was done on a mutual consent since indeed they both had known each other for years, according to Mr. Kardamie, up to date he has not received his full payment from the Nimba County Senator, adding that he has been threatened whenever he tried to ask for his money.

Kardamie asserted that several attempts had been made to engage Sen. Koung who pretended to be busy with elections matters. The businessman further explain that it has been several years since the transaction was done, with the Senator intentionally refusing to pay his money, but rather to using his influence and power to go after him.

Nimba County Senator Jeremiah Koung – He has denied any transaction with Mr. Kardamie, including threatening his life

He admitted receiving US$1000.00 from Sen. Koung upon the intervention of some prominent citizens of the county, but is still demanding the rest of his money.

When contacted by our reporter, Sen. Koung admitted to knowing Mr. Kardamie, but denied going into any transaction with him. The Senator also refuted claims that he threatened the life of Mr. Kardamie, stating “on what ground should I threaten his life when he and I never entered any transaction or even if we had entered a transaction does that warrant threatening the life somebody”?

According to Sen. Koung, the transaction mentioned was not between him and Mr. Kardamie, but rather the administration he turned the hospital over to several years back.

The Nimba County Senator’ averred that while it is true that he was the owner of the facility, he did not have any personal arrangements with Mr. Kardamie, and does not owe him a dime.

Sen. Koung explained that, though he was not part of the arrangements, his understanding is that the money being mentioned is not the actual amount owed him. He said as far as he knows, the amount owed Mr. Kardamie was US$3,600.00 out of which US$1,000.00 was paid, and the balance of US$2,600.00 should be settled by the hospital’s administration.

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