

The long-awaited 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections are just few months away. So, do not be surprised that lots of overnight, generous politicians, obsessed with greed for political power, particularly the presidency and the Legislature, will unusually show up at your homes and communities to tell you how they care about your future.

They will give you cash, rice and promise your children scholarships and initiate projects such as palava huts, town halls and even roads that over the years, they have never thought of doing for you and your communities, but because elections are around the corner.

What will also shock you more is some of them, who over the years, have never spoken to you or stopped over in your communities to say ‘hello’ or sit with the people to find out what their problems are, will now begin doing things so to create the impressions that they care.

Some will even promise to bring heaven down on earth for you only because they want your votes.

We have already begun to hear on radio stations and read in the local dailies that some aspirants and political parties have promised and begun initiating projects in your communities and districts ahead of what is now being referred to as crucial elections.

Do not be fooled. Beware of these overnight-generous politicians. They care less about your wellbeing. They are faked! All they want are your votes and after they have gotten your votes, you’ll never see them again or if you see them, they will be in vehicles with tinted glasses or their windshields up only to avoid you.

Some will even relocate themselves and their families from the communities in which they sought the votes that made them.

Their children will eat three times a day, drink milk, attend the best schools here and abroad, while your children go to bed hungry and are thrown out of school for fees.

We are not telling you not to register to vote, neither telling you to reject or accept politicians’ sudden generosity. The choice is yours.

What we are telling you is, do not be carried away by money and bags of rice, T-shirts and or caps. Vote your conscience or consciences and vote right in the interest of your country, not the interest of individuals or political parties, because the decisions that you will make at the polls today will decide your future and the future of the generation to come.

This is why we urge you to be aware of overnight politicians.  Do not allow their bags of rice or monies to influence your votes; vote your conscience.

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