Senate Debates Bill to Equip Health Facilities to Stop Rejection of Patients

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Senate Debates Bill to Equip Health Facilities to Stop Rejection of Patients

IPNEWS: A bill has been introduced on the floor of the Senate for the passage of a law that seeks to ensure that health facilities across Liberia are equipped to attend to patients seeking medical treatment, in order to reduce the high death rate in the country.

It is reported that in addition to some major equipment, there are said to be basic things lacking at some health facilities including beds at public health facilities.

The bill was proposed during the Senateโ€™s Tuesday session by Grand Kru County Senator Numenee Bartekwa, who is also Chairman of the Senate Committee on Investment and Concession.

Sen. Bartekwaโ€™s proposal was stated in a communication to the Plenary of the Senate on January 23, 2023 and he attributed the high death rate in the country to the alleged action by some local health facilities to reject patients with treatable conditions.

Theย Grand Kru County Senatorโ€™s communication further called on the Senate to make it mandatory for all health facilities to acquire essential equipment including reserve beds and other equipment and logistics that will enable them to attend to emergency cases during night hours.

The Bill, when passed into law by the legislature, will further mandate health workers at health facilities to work closely with family members on emergency cases that will be received for referral to another health facility for proper treatment and recommendations.

Sen. Bartekwa believes that when that is done, it will help reduce the number of deaths across Liberia, thus curtailing the attitude of health workers at various health facilities around the country.

Following the reading of the Senatorโ€™s communication in Plenary, the Grand Kru County Senatorโ€™s communication was forwarded to the Senate Committee on Health to review and advise that body on the decision to be taken, after a motion from Montserrado County Senator, Saah Joseph.

Sen. Sherman Wants Senate to Ensure Debt Owed Counties areย Paid.

In another development at the Senate, the chair of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims and Petition is requesting the Senate to ensure that debts owed to Counties by the Government is paid.

The debts, according to Senator Varney Shermanโ€™s communication to Plenary Tuesday, includes annual County Development Funds between 2018-2023, the County or Social Development Funds and Land Rental Fee paid by Concession Companies.

Sen. Sherman in his communication accused the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning of failing each year to disperse the Community or Social Development Funds to various counties as provided through an act of Legislation.

The Grand Cape Mount County Senatorโ€™s communication further noted that by law, the Community and Social Development payment and Land Rental Fees from Concession Companies are paid to the consolidated account at the Central Bank of Liberia being managed by the Minister of Finance but alleged that such are not being paid in full to the benefiting counties.

Following their recent return to Capitol Hill for their 6thย and final sitting of the 54th Legislature, the Plenary of the Senate during its Tuesday, January 24, 2023, session acted on several key national instruments in the interest of the Liberian people.

During the 3rdย day sitting of that august body, the President of the Republic of Liberia, George Weah submitted to the Senate for ratification a financing agreement between the government of Liberia and the International Development Association.

The agreement according to a communication from the Liberian leader was signed on July 4, 2022 between the government of Liberia and the International Development Association with the objective of improving social and livelihood services for women and girls in targeted communities.

The agreement further seeks to foster positive and social norms and as well strengthen the governmentโ€™s capacity to advance women and girls empowerment across the Country.

The Presidentโ€™s communication at the same time disclosed that the agreement will extend to the Republic of Liberia a grant and credit deemed as Concessional Financing in the tone of US$13,300,000 Special Drawing Right and US$13,300,000 as Grant.

It further added the amount of US$20 million Special Drawing Right and US$20 million as credit, expressing hope that the Senate will ratify the Agreement to help strengthen the governmentโ€™s capacity to advance women and girls empowerment.

On their part, members of the Senate voted to forward the Presidentโ€™s communication to the Committees on Ways, Means and Finance and Judiciary to report to the Plenary.

Meanwhile, the Senate Plenary has voted for the Grand Cape Mount County Senatorโ€™s communication to form a part of their planned discussion with authorities of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

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