Margibi Lawmaker Tarponweh Wants Black Sand Mining Stopped


Margibi Lawmaker Tarponweh Wants Black Sand Mining Stopped

IPNEWS: Margibi County District #1 Representative, Tibelrosa Tarponweh has written the Plenary of the House of Representatives to alert his colleagues, about the massive Heavy Black Sand Mining currently ongoing on the beaches of Marshall City in Electoral District #1, Margibi County by a Chinese Company known as the Liberia Mineral Export, Inc.

According to the Margibi County Lawmaker the Liberia Mineral Export, Inc. began its operations in Marshall City in March 2022.

He said the colossal nature and velocity of this Company’s Black Sand Mining Operation on the shores of Marshall City is causing uncontrollable erosion which has the inclination to pose serious environmental hazard to the residents of that City in the not-too-distant future.

He said despite an active moratorium placed on the Black Sand Mining activities of the Liberia Mineral Export, Inc. in Marshall City by the regulator, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Company continues to execute its operation unabated in flagrant violation of said moratorium.

“To add insults to injury, two (2) PSU Officers of the Liberia National Police are assigned to the Company’s operational sit protecting their activities which has already been placed under moratorium by the Ministry of Mines and Energy”.

He said to say that this is puzzling is an understatement for our Law Enforcement Agency to get involved with the unwarranted violation of our laws.

โ€œIn view thereto, and in an ardent plea to avert any future environmental catastrophe which may have negative impacts on the City of Marshall and its residents, I crave the indulgence of this PLENARY to invite Authorities at the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to appear before this PLENARY during our next sitting on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 along with the Liberia Mineral Export, Inc.

To explain why the operation of this Company is still ongoing amidst numerous cries by the

Residents of Marshall City and an active moratorium placed by the regulator.

Please accept the assurances of my usual highest esteem,โ€ the lawmaker communicated concluded.

After the reading of Communications by the Clark it was voted upon by members of the body to send the Communications to the Committee on Environment and Mines & Energy to reportย inย twoย weeks.

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