Gongloe Thrills Lofa County with his ‘Better Liberia Agenda’

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Gongloe Thrills Lofa County with his ‘Better Liberia Agenda’

IPNEWS: Liberian People’s Party (LPP) Standard-bearer, Tiawan Saye Gongloe continued his nationwide tour with an electrifying entry into Lofa County on Saturday, January 21, 2023.

While in the County, he will address several communities. Of these, he has already convened very elaborate and exciting meetings with residents of Beyan Town, Gorlu, Zolowo, Salayea, Telemai, and Gbanway.

In Zolowo, Gongloe received a rousing welcome from its senior elder, Mulbah B. Cisco pledging the town’s support of his bid for the Presidency.

He assured the LPP Standard-bearer that they would mobilize the community to vote him President so that he would change the ugly narrative of Liberia.

On his part, Gongloe intrigued the enthusiastic audience when he particularly declared he would combat sleaze by taking deliberate actions to stop public servants that amass personal wealth at the detriment of the Country.

Practically, he said he would arrest, prosecute and imprison any official of government caught stealing State resources and in the process confiscate the property of said officials as a means to restitute the stolen assets.

Last year, Gongloe and entourage reached and held town-hall meetings to present himself as a candidate for President, and his Better Liberia Agenda to voters in more than 200 towns and cities in Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa and Rivercess Counties.

Stunning of these voyages was Tiawan and team sailing in a canoe for 70 minutes, to-and-fro across Rivercess County’s Cestos River to hold a town-hall meeting with residents of a small, but historic farming and fishing village known as Kpaquah.

As witnessed in places toured, the senior elder that spoke on behalf of Kpaquah cried. He stated that Gongloe was the first-ever running for the Presidency to risk his life simply to inform them about his bid.

Yet, the visit gave Tiawan the opportunity to take up financial support for wheelchair-bound student, Daddy Boy Sieh.

The intervention would see Daddy Boy moved permanently to Cestos City instead of commuting across the giant-river on feeble wooden canoes for school daily.

Also, the candidate and humanitarian is currently supportive of a sick young woman who some residents of Juah Town or Save Our Soul in Grand Bassa County brought to him during a town hall engagement there. With his help, the woman is being treated by medical doctors in Monrovia.

Nonetheless, before Lofa, in Gbarnga, Bong County, the proverbial incoming President of Liberia graced the 76th Annual Session of the Gbarnga District Conference – Liberia Agriculture Company of the United Methodist Church, which had invited him as a special guest.

In his brief remarks to the assembly, he said he was on a mission to transform Liberia by taking deliberate actions to combat corruption when elected President of Liberia.

Tiawan lamented that Liberia was in a dire state and needed conscious Liberians to revive it through good governance.

Accordingly, he said he felt compelled to put himself forward to contest for the Liberian Presidency in order to fix the Country.

He narrowed to four (4) his 10-point Better Liberia Agenda (BLA) and named good roads, agriculture, education and healthcare as areas he would concentrate on as President in his hundred days in office.

For example, the LPP ticket-bearer mentioned that his administration would restore road maintenance sites once situated across the Country to keep primary and feeder roads usable year-round.

Amid cheering by the audience, he said government would introduce and support mechanized farming with focus on rice production to curb food insecurity.

In this project, as probable Commander-In-Chief, he would order and equip the Agriculture Battalion of the Armed Forces of Liberia to clear 100 acres of land in each of fifteen counties to grow rice. This, he added, would make Liberia self-sufficient in rice production.

Similarly, the administration would provide free and compulsory primary and secondary education as well as free healthcare for pregnant women, infants and the aged 65 years and above.

He said all this was possible once corruption that inhibits Liberia’s development was fought and defeated, thereby redirecting resources from the proceeds of corruption to development.

The devout Christian candidate for the Precedency likened his mission to that of Jesus Christ’s, who spread the Gospel with the support of twelve (12) individuals as His disciples.

Meaning, the people that hear his message of Liberia’s transformation should transmit it widely because it is necessary to do so.

Tiawan injected a bit of civic education when he admonished the people to turn out in their numbers to register during the voters’ registration process, proffering that only people who register to vote would vote him into office for him to implement policies of the “Better Liberia Agenda”.

The Church prayed along with him and Team Gongloe’s Bong County coordinator, Money Doloyuoh – a contestant for Bong’s District #5 seat at the House of Representatives.

On the Lofa tour, Gongloe is accompanied by his progressive colleagues including former Montserrado County Legislator, Dusty Wolokollie (now senior advisor to the Standard Bearer and National Chairman of LPP) and Mr. John Darwolo, a prominent son of Lofa and veteran of MOJA/LPP, both from Lofa County.

Presenting Tiawan to the residents of Beyan Town, Mr. Darwolo asked electorates generally, to shine their eyes and to thoroughly and scrupulously examine anyone that comes to them to seek their votes.

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