“We Tiyah Suffering Rally” US$65K Man Sent To Court, Denies Allegation


“We Tiyah Suffering Rally” US$65K Man Sent To Court, Denies Allegation

Simeon Davis

By Jacqueline Lucia Dennis

The Liberia National Police (LNP) in Monrovia on Friday January 20, 2023, forwarded to court a 37-year-old man identified as Simeon G. Davis believed to be the diver for the secretary general of the Collaborating Party (CPP) Martin G. Kollah. Kollah informed the LNP that Davis allegedly stole US$65,000.00 that was meant for “We Tiyah Suffering Rally held on December 17, 2022.

The defendant Simeon G. Davis was arrested on January 17, 2023 and acquainted with  his Miranda rights, investigated and subsequently charged for the alleged Crime of  theft of property and misapplication of entrusted property which violates Chapter 15, sub Chapter D, section 15.51 &. 15.56 of the revised Penal Law of the republic of Liberia.

Defendant Davis denied the allegations of theft of property brought against him by complainant Martin Kollah, but told police investigation that on December 13, 2022 he received one hundred United States dollars (US$100.00) from his boss man Kollah to seek medical treatment for medical condition complaint Martin Kollah was aware of.

Defendant Davis  further informed the investigation that when he received the USD$100.00 from his boss Kollah  he immediately told  him (Kollah)  that he was leaving to attend treatment relative  to his health condition and Kollah  granted him the excuse but told him Davis  to leave his (Kollah) car key ( CPP-8) with one of the CPP drivers. Davis said he did leave the key with one of the CPP drivers William Sayonkon and later went to the Sierra Leone parking at Duala, Bushrod Island, where he got on car and traveled to Bo Waterside.

Defendant Simeon Davis said he slept to Bo waterside due to his late arrival and on December 14, 2022, he crossed the Liberia Sierra Leone border and went to Togba village in Bo, Sierra Leone to an herbalist to be identified for treatment. He told police there where he had been taking treatment and when his treatment finished on January 16, 2023, he decided to return to Liberia, and while he was still in Bo, Sierra Leone, walking to a mini-bar to get some biscuits and mayonnaise and other food items, he was arrested by the officers of the Liberia National Police, INTERPOL together with Sierra Leone Police and bought to Liberia.

He informed the Investigators that on December 14, 2022 he crossed the border and entered Sierra Leone and headed to Bo, Sierra Leone Village and he noticed that his phone was off and he sent it for charging by the herbalist son, Emmanuel. After he took his phone from on charge and switched it on he went to his Facebook page where he saw a post with his name “Simeon G. Davis” mentioning that he ran away with the amount with seventy thousand United States dollars (US$70,000.00). He said he immediately, placed a WhatsApp call to the CEO of Spoon TV and explained to him relative to the Facebook post that he was mentioned, where the CEO scheduled  time for him ( Davis)  to appear  on their night show. He disclosed that on January 9, 2023, he did appear on spoon TV night show as was arranged by the Spoon TV CEO and he did explain to the show relative to the allegations that he ran away with US$ 70,000.00 stolen from his boss man Martin Kollah.

According to the court documents, the Secretary General of the Collaborating Political Party  Martin Kollah, the complainant, informed the investigation on Tuesday December 13, 2022 around the afternoon hours the CPP rally committee of the December 17, 2022 “We Tayah Suffering Rally”  which was chaired by him Kollah, and Co-Chaired Mr. Rodney Wilson signed a payment voucher in which the  rally committee had a total amount of Sixty Five Thousand United States Dollars (USD $65,000.00) for final disbursement to vendors for water, transportation services, feeding, banner, etc  for the December 17, 2022 rally.

He further said after counting the money received, he put the US$ 65,000.00 in a black back pack with two-sided pockets and placed it under a desk in his office and locked his office and went downstairs to the rally committee’s operations area to arrange the crowd and vendors to receive payment relative to the December 17, 2022 rally. He then called suspect Davis by phone instructing him to go upstairs in his office of the CPP headquarters and told him suspect David that when he reaches Dearest Brumskine he should call him by phone and when he suspect Davis reached Brumskine, he David did called him and while the phone was on speaker, he (Kollah) instructed Brumskine to open the office door and look under the desk cover where he placed his black bag with the US$65,000.00 and for her to give it to his driver Davis. Driver Davis received the black bag and he (Kollah) instructed Davis to carry the black bag with the money in it and put it in his Kollah’s assigned car (CPP-8) and told him (Davis) on the phone to lock the car after putting the bag in the car.

Mr. Kollah narrated that after 5 minutes he called his driver Davis and his phone was off and he hurriedly ran downstairs, shouted his name Davis but he couldn’t be found and started asking others in the compound for the whereabouts of the driver. He said when he (Kollah) later went to check his car the driver was nowhere to be found and he Kollah immediately informed the Liberia National Police through the office of Unit 103 about what happened. Kollah said the back bag which was stolen contained US$65,000.00 an ECOWAS passport cheque book of UBA, Canon 17 Techo phone an IPhone 7 and other important documents belonging to him.

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