

IPNEWS – Last week the former Vice President of Liberia, Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai, was said to have been hospitalized due to a reported stroke but in no time Unity Partisans took over the social media crucifying those who told the leadership of the party that they should allow the octogenarian Boakai to retire from politics and focus on his health. They went all out to defend the health of their Political Leader.

On the day that the former Veep was being discharged from the Eternal Love Winning Africa (ELWA) as he moved toward his vehicle, the position of his left hand, spiked many discussions from every nook and cranny, including naysayers saying that he had come down with stroke and wasn’t fit to run for President in October 2023.

Former Vice President and Unity Party Standard bearer, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai

After heated arguments here and there, the Unity Party drew first blood by politicizing their leader’s health situation that he chose to take treatment in country instead of abroad. Liberians were baffled that the former ruling Unity Party decided to paint the current George Weah’s Administration ugly, but forgot to tell Liberians that for 12 consecutive years he and other UP-led government top officials took treatment abroad whenever they were ill.

After several interactions over the controversies, the likes of Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee had advised that the 80-year-old should be retired from politics and focus on his health. She was taken to the sword. Unity Party’s former standard bearer and former President of Liberia, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf had to caution those who spoke ill against Boakai’s health. She at the same time apologized to her fellow Nobel Laureate for the being misinterpreted.

Among other things, Ms. Gbowee posted on Facebook, calling on former Vice President Boakai, whom she referred to as “uncle”, to retire from politics and focus more on his health and his grandchildren.

Madam Gbowee stated that in the interest of peace, development, and the future of Liberia, “I would like to ask you all to kindly allow Uncle Joe Boakai to retire from politics and focus on his health.”

“He deserves to spend his golden years interacting with his grandkids, enjoying family time. I would also like to take this time to ask you all to reconsider your partnership with other political parties and form a merger that will provide a viable political option for the Liberian people. The writings are on the wall; my uncle Joe is in no position to contest! Uncle Joe, please be well — I pray God’s blessings upon you.”

Ms. Gbowee’s comments did not go down well with Unity Partisans. It also caused stir among members of the opposition community and the ruling party.

Following of all drama over his health, Amb. Boakai himself hasn’t said anything, even though pictures had surfaced on Facebook showing him looking somewhat physically fit.

So on Thursday, January 19, the Unity Party decided to showcase their standard bearer, Joseph Boakai to disprove their opponents’ views regarding his health. It was a show of partisans showing support.

But to icing the cake, a group of former CDCians, as supporters of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) are referred to, trooped to the UP headquarters up Broad Street to pledge their support to the candidacy of Amb. Boakai.

For those Cdicians, Boakai is the last hope after their leader, President George Weah had “failed” them after all the promises made in 2017.

So with just eight months to the election, the ball is in the court of Liberians to either stick with President George Weah or chose a leader from the opposition who is imbued with top leadership skills and coupled with international connections that can be tapped out to help Liberia and its people.

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