Land Crisis Hits Zinnah Hill Community on GSA Road – Residents Want Government Intervene

Laws & Order

Land Crisis Hits Zinnah Hill Community on GSA Road – Residents Want Government Intervene

IPNEWS: Some aggrieved residents calling themselves ‘Concern residents of the GSA Road’ precisely from the Zinnah Hill Community calling on the National Government to speedily intervene in a matter involving them and some few individuals who they said are ‘maliciously’ claiming their lands which they been residing on for over forty to fifty years legally.

The residents in a petition statement read by Ericson Janyan on Monday, January 16, 2023, said that on December 31, 2022, citations were served around by Zachariah Lloyd and Konah W. Barclay calling all residents to a meeting with Anthony T. Cole, Irvin Cooper and some residents present. To their utmost surprise during the meeting, they realized that few of their residents have already been sued by Anthony T. Cole and Irvin Cooper accusing them of occupying their land illegally.

According to them, Anthony Cole and Irvin Cooper told them that the guarantors’ names on the deeds which they have were also wrong, such as ‘Zinnah instead of Zena’. They said, they were also told that any other person who bought land from the ‘Garbiddon family’ was wrong and need to rebuy from them even though the very Irvin Cooper man was a sale buyer to the Garbiddon.

The residents disclosed that the total lands that Anthony Cole and Irvin Cooper claiming is 88 acres.

In the last 20 years according to them, there have been no land for sale by the original land sellers of the community except for those who want to change their living places or may have other lands and want to sell.

Also speaking on behalf, the aggrieved residents, Harris G.J Johnson said, it is unthinkable for a person named Anthony Cole who claimed to be Co-Administrator of the Zinnah’s property is claiming that people who bought land from the Garbiddon should rebuy when he himself (Anthony Cole) is not a property owner, but a resident who also bought land in the community.

For his part, when contacted, Anthony Cole said those residents who are claiming that he is maliciously taking their lands are only trying to tarnish his repetition as they have already done. He said, few months back as a resident of the community, the Zinnah family in Liberia and abroad met discussed with him that he should be a Co-Administrator for the property, at which he told them that for him to do that he should first be given the authority by the court to do so. He said, it was then that the power of attorney had granted him, and he now begin to act. He said those residents are claiming to be legitimate landowners are those who bought land from the wrong owners of the Zinnah property, are only told to rebuy.


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