Philanthropist krish Roopnarine has made history again in Liberia


Philanthropist krish Roopnarine has made history again in Liberia

By: Draper C. Tolborh Sr.

IPNEWS: According to Luke chapter 6; 38, “give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you”. With the above scripture reference above, Philanthropist Krish Roopnarine continued to live by this biblical principle.

Mr. Roopnarine, a native of Chase Village in Trinidad and Tobago migrated to Canada in 2010 and commenced his charitable work in 2013. Recently, he donated series of computers and instructive materials to the Girls in Technology Liberia (GITL), an organization that is building a society that is women-inclusive and a technology center

Mrs. Massa Weeks, Chief Executive Officer, Girls in Tech

 Receiving the items, the Chief Executive Officer of GITL, Madam Massa Weeks lauded Mr. Roopnarine for his kind gesture and said the computers and the enlightening materials will be used for their intended purpose at the same time called on other humanitarian organizations to follow or immolate a good example of Philanthropist Krish Roopnarine.

Madam Weeks stressed that “Girls in technology Liberia is a non-profit and non-governmental organization established on February 5, 2019 and forces on women’s and girls’ empowerment in various areas, especially in technology.

The GITL Boss furthered that “considering the fact that women have been excluded and marginalized in Liberia for avert long period of time, GITL seeks to empowerment and promote equality by providing opportunities for women and girls in the technology sector”.

Mr. krish Roopnarine stressed that the art of giving is simply defined as “giving from the heart without any expectation of something in return. True giving and happiness are deeply connected and they both come from a place deep within our souls”

He furthered “Whether you’re donating money or time, giving promotes happiness, draws us closer to others, and strengthens empathy. These are vital for a wealthy life, which starts from the inside. After a certain point, more income doesn’t increase well-being — but empathetically giving to others does.

It can be recalled in 2021, Mr. krish Roopnarine donated medical supplies to the Federation of Liberians in Canada (FLAC). And the same year 2021 ( in December), humanitarian Roopnarine through his Liberian partner Mr. Draper C. Tolborh Sr. donated toys, foodstuff and educational materials valued over US$10,000.00. Mr. krish Roopnarine said he will not stop giving until he’s call by the Almighty God.

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