MCSS Teachers Demands 54th Legislature Increase Salaries as Per Academic Qualification


MCSS Teachers Demands 54th Legislature Increase Salaries as Per Academic Qualification

By: James Lehmer Hiama, Jr.;; 0770334857/0888270604

The president of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS) Teachers Association Augustine Nyormui threatens to shut down all public schools in the country failure on the part of National Government to increase their salaries.

Speaking on behalf of the teachers’ association on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at the Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinion (CEIO) on Carey Street in Monrovia, president Nyormui disclosed that teachers of the association are suffering due to the low salaries they receive from government.

He said, for too long now teachers of the MCSS continue to receive low salaries from national government. As such, they are now demanding the 54th Legislature to ensure that their salaries be increased in line with their academic qualifications.

According to him, “the association in conversation with other government school teachers across the country to ensure that all government schools temporarily shut down if the government fails to meet up with their demand.”

Mr. Nyormui mentioned that the Monrovia Consolidated School System has best and qualified instructors in the country but lack support and improvement in salaries.

Outlining the qualification level at which all MCSS teachers’ salaries should be increased, he placed teachers with ‘B’ and ‘A’ certificates at US$850, BSC and BBA degrees holders at US$1,500, teachers with master degree and above at US$1800, and janitors at US$500 monthly.

He, however, noted that these amount or figures are suggested gross salaries and are subject to tax deduction.

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