Margibi County Superintendent, Others Charged for Multiple Crimes


Margibi County Superintendent, Others Charged for Multiple Crimes

By Taisiah K. Merfee

The Magisterial Court located in the vicinity of the Salala Rubber Corporation in Margibi County has issued an arrest order for Margibi County Superintendent Jerry Varney for Criminal Conspiracy and Felonious Restrains.

Associate Magistrate Aaron Y. Fallah’s arrest order also includes Commissioner Roland S. Johnson of Weala Township, Cinta Clan Chief Musu N. Yango who are charged with similar crimes.

Others are Andrew N. Yancy and Alvin Konneh both of who are charged with Criminal Conspiracy, Impersonating Officials and Criminal Trespass.

Clan Chief, Musu N. Yango is said to be the only defendant that has been arrested and surrendered to the court.

They were charged by authorities of the Liberia National Police (LNP) based on a complaint by a British national, Hans Armstrong.

The defendants are expected to make their first court appearance on Friday, January 13, 2023.

The police charge sheet claims Roland S. Johnson, Commissioner of Weala Township criminally conspired with defendants Jerry Varney – Superintendent of Margibi County, Clan Chief Musu N. Yango and sent defendants Andrew N. Yancy and Alvin Konneh Freeman, who criminally trespassed the premises of Armstrong, former MHM Eko Liberia Inc. site on November 22, 2022.

Freeman and Yancy, the court documents claimed to have purported to be inspectors from the Ministry of Mines and Energy to carryout inspection on the earth-moving equipment without the knowledge and consent of Armstrong.

The court records further alleged that on November 24 and 29, 2022, defendants Johnson and Yancy visited the office of Armstrong lawyer, the International Law Group, where defendant Johnson said that he (Johnson) represent the citizens of Weala Township and they needed some financial settlement before Armstrong can remove any of his earth-moving equipment from the township.

“It was established by the investigation that there is no social agreement signed between former MHM Eko Liberia, which Armstrong is a representative and that of the citizens of Weala Township,” the police charge sheet claims.

The documents said, since there was no social agreement, there were no need to prevent Armstrong from removing his earth-moving equipment out of the township to any location he chooses, and there is no financial obligations or debts accrued from former MHM Eko Liberia by Armstrong that he owes the citizens of the township as being alleged by defendant Johnson.

“The investigation established that Johnson feloniously restrained Armstrong from removing his earth moving equipment from the township on grounds that Armstrong should settle financially the citizens of Weala Township because former MHM Eko Liberia dug the ground,” the documents claimed.

According to the court records, Superintendent Varney, Clan Chief Musu N. Yango and Alvin Konneh Freeman failed to make known their presence at the investigation, after receiving a formal invitation regarding the law firm allegation.

“In view of the foregoing facts and circumstances, couple with the voluntary statements obtained, witnesses testimonies, and background inquiry, the investigation resolved to charge defendants Johnson, Varney and Musu N Yango with crimes of criminal conspiracy and felonious restrains in violation of chapter 10 and 14, section 10.4 and 14.51 respectively of the panel law of Liberia” the court records states.

While, the documents claimed that defendants Andrew N Yancy and Alvin Konneh Freeman charged with the commission of the crimes of Criminal Conspiracy, Impersonating Officials and Criminal Trespass, which are in violation of Chapter 10,12 and 15, sections 10.4, 12.35 and 15.21 respectively of the panel law of Liberia.

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