Former Grand Kru Student Leader Heaps Praises on Three Elected Officials


Former Grand Kru Student Leader Heaps Praises on Three Elected Officials

–Says Reelection Bid Is Done Deal Comes October 2023

IPNEWS-Grand Kru: A former Student leader at the state-run University of Liberia (UL), Hanson T. Doe says there will not be any campaign activities in Grand Kru County, in October of this year for President George Weah, Senate Pro-Tempore Albert T. Chie and Representative J. Fonati Koffa, who he considered as three Hebrew Brothers.

The former student  leader has been a long time  critic  of the county’ leadership, dating back from the regime of the former governing Unity Party for their reported failure to works and improve the lives of the residents of Grand Kru county.

Former student leader Hanson Does says the people of Grand Kru have resolved to reelect President Weah in the 2023 October election for the level of development he has undertaken in the county

Doe noted that based on the level of developmental projects been initiated by the three sons of the county, the residents have resolved to overwhelmingly ensure they are reelected to the respective positions, on what the student leader terms as white ballot in October of this year.

According to him, Grand Kru County which was considered in the past in Liberia as “Grand Walking County” is now an assembly for vehicles and there are countless number of development projects in the county since the insertion of the CDC Government in 2018.

Former student leader Hanson Does says the people of Grand Kru have resolved to reelect Senator Albert T. Chie (Senate Pro Tempore) in the 2023 October election for the level of development he has undertaken in the county

The former student leader and rights activist noted that Grand Kru County has experienced tangible infrastructural developments since the insertion of the CDC government in 2018, saying the re-elections bid of the three Hebrew Brothers is a done deal by the people of Grand Kru County.

He named some of the projects implemented by Senator Albert T. Chie and Representative J. Fonati Koffa in Grand Kru County and its 12 traditional communities as: construction of clinics, revamping of Hospitals, constructions of Technical College, Elementary and High Schools, rehabilitation of some farm-to-market roads, installation of  solar panel lights  and among other  priority developments of Grand Kru.

Hanson Doe recounted that most of the employees assigned at the clinics and schools in Grand Kru County have been personally paid by Senator Albert T. Chie and Representative J. Fonati Koffa, something according to him, worth commendations from any well-meaning son and daughter of Grand Kru County.

Former student leader Hanson Does says the people of Grand Kru have resolved to reelect District #2 Representative Cllr. J Fonati Koffa in the 2023 October election for the level of development he has undertaken in the county

“There is no need that we feel candidate (s) against the good sons of the county, doing so, means that we are undermining our own progress,” Hanson advised.

Former student leader Doe asserted that people of Grand Kru County are only waiting for October to begin what he calls the celebration of the three sons, who he considers as three Hebrew Brothers for their election victories in October of this year, noting the 12 traditional communities have already begun endorsement activities across the county for their three sons.

He revealed that since the establishment of Grand Kru County in 1984, the county can now boast of and can be compared with any county in the country due to the level of developments that have and continue to take place within the county.

Flashback: Former student leader Hanson Doe in a discussion with some local residents of Grand Kru

“The people of Grand Kru County did not make any mistake to vote for Senator Albert T. Chie in 2014, President George Weah and District #2 Representative J. Fonati Koffa in 2017 respectively,” the former student leader and Rights Activist asserted.

The tough-talking former student leader from the University of Liberia has recommended to the County’s Legislative Caucus and the President of Liberia to remove and replace local authorities who are not doing their job (s) properly across the country.

Hanson indicated there have been some shot comings from the County’s local authorities, headed by Superintendent Doris Ylatun, Assistant Superintendent for Development, Paramount and Clan Chiefs, who are not performing the tasks given them to serve their people adequately.

He said the development activities should not be left with the central government alone, nothing “that is why other people were appointed to help at the local level.” He added, those who are given the opportunity to serve their people at the local levels are allegedly reneging to do their work.

Hanson T. Doe made the comments when he spoke in an interview with a team of reporters via phone from the Ivorian commercial Capitol of Abidjan on January 11, 2023.

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