Buah District Youth Leader Wants Collective Efforts to Rid Grand Kru of Narcotic Substances

Crime Watch

Buah District Youth Leader Wants Collective Efforts to Rid Grand Kru of Narcotic Substances

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Buah Statutory District Youth Leader is calling for collective effort to curtail the growing situation of Illegal Substances that is mostly effecting youths in Grand Kru County.

According to Edwin Kadjlah, young people of the District are becoming addicted to other form of Narcotic Substances, causing serious harm for their mental health.

Speaking at the youth engagement meeting organized by the Secretariat of the Grand Kru Youth Development Association, Edwin maintained that through the joint security of the county, especially the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) are exerting efforts to combat the use and proliferation of the harmful substances through the legal system, but called on citizens and residents of the District and County to be honest, in helping relevant authority to deal with the situation.

Edwin Kadjlah, emphasized that the alleged involvement of some local authorities and residents harboring drugs dealers within the District is seriously undermining the fight against the illegal substances.

He therefore called on those residents engaged into such act to desist and help make the District narcotic drugs free in Grand Kru County.

The Buah Statutory District Youth Leader said the role of parents, citizens and local stakeholders are essential in the fight against drugs that are having negative impacts on the young people of the county.

Kadjlah lamented youths addicted to drugs are creating burden on the Liberian society that sometimes cause them to engage into criminal acts.

The Buah Youth leader blamed citizens for not been straightforward to the community, attributing the use of drugs and other harmful substances to the increase in criminal activities within the district.

Also in response, residents of the District appealed to the national government, Grand Kru Legislative Caucus and local County authorities for their positive interventions to ensure the deployment of additional security personnel within the county and the construction of rehabilitation center.

The disclosure was made in an interview with a team of Journalists at the weekend.

Law designates illegal drug cultivation, manufacture, transportation, and trafficking as a first-degree felony offence that is not subject to bail and carries a mandatory 10 to 20-year prison term.

Meanwhile, the citizens and residents of Grand Kru are commending their government through the national Legislature for making the drug law a non-bailable offense, adding with the enactment of the new law it will complement the LDEA efforts in combating the wide spread of Illegal Substances.

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