We will protect BMMC Investment …Cape mount citizens vow

Business News

We will protect BMMC Investment …Cape mount citizens vow

IPNEWS: Citizens of Grand Cape Mount Count have said they will do everything in their power to defend to protect the Investment of Bea Mountain

According to them, the investment is of great help for the people of Cape Mount County. As such, they will not allow anything to affect serve as obstacle.

Their statement was triggered by recent protest at the mines which led to the operation of the company shutting down. According to them, it does not help the county nor the country for such huge investment operations to come to a standstill due to protest from some disgruntled youths.

In a statement issued over the weekend, the citizens said, some youth from the community have in recent times carried out protest against the company’s operation whiteout any justifiable condition.

The statement signed by elders, Edwiin Zodua, Moris Mabubah and others said, the attitude of some youth does not represent the interest of the citizens.

“We also RECOGNIZE AND hereby ANNOUNCE our responsibility to protect and defend the investments in our community against any infiltrators or deviants whose actions seek to smear us as violent people,” it said.

It further said, “these intransigent youth involved in said intolerable acts do not represent us and are hereby warned to desist from ever making such representation. While we acknowledge engaging the Management of Bea Mountain in respect to several issues of concerns over the years, we and Management have worked together to resolve some issues and continue
to engage each other in a dialogue out of which several achievements have been accomplished by both sides.”

The community said as a way of moving forward, the company has been helpful in various aways. For example, the company has allowed the communities to nominate and recommend
candidate(s) for positions in its Human Resource and Community Relations Departments, the conclusion of the establishment of a Clan Development Fund. in the amount of $150,000, from which schools and clinics will be constructed near us.

Not only that, but also, asphalt pavement of the 19 kilometers Daniel Town Road, the privilege given to them through community leaders to hire forcertain positions on behalf of Bea Mountain.

“Due to allegations of improprieties against community leaders in respect to the hiring process, in a recent meeting with Management we agreed that Management introduces a public bulletin and mail box system for community hiring process, which we still believe is transparent, fair, and answers the question of impropriety and abuse by any individual, and the continue unnecessary embarrassment to the Management

However, we welcome everyone who resides in our community from any other parts of Grand Cape Mount or Liberia to join us in our constructive engagement with the company, as we shall no longer condone any acts of violence or lawlessness in Kinjor and its environs.

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