What Happened to the ‘Pro-Poor’ Housing Units Built in Grand Kru, Other Places?


What Happened to the ‘Pro-Poor’ Housing Units Built in Grand Kru, Other Places?

–Strange Occupants Occupy Some of the Units 

By Fedrick Kaydiplah Kumeh in Barclayville

IPNEWS-Grand Kru: In June 2018, six months following his ascendency to the Liberian presidency, President George Weah launched what the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government called ‘Pro-Poor’ Housing Units Project, in his quest to lift ordinary Liberians from their state of poverty through the Government’s Pro-Poor Agenda.

President Weah, who had previously lobbied reportedly with his Japanese counterparts for the provision of US$8 million for the construction of 564 housing units, 94 latrines, and 30 hands pumps in some rural areas, however, stated that the project would cover the entire 15 counties of Liberia at no cost.

Flashback: President George Weah breaks grounds for the housing units

The Liberian leader, at the occasion held in Fendell, outside Monrovia, lauded the Executive Director of the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE), the institution responsible to implement the project, for constructing the prototype of the proposed rural housing unit project.

“I want to guarantee you that all of the 15 counties will benefit from this special Presidential Housing Unit Project; this was and still is my promise to the Liberian people to ensure that the lives of the ordinary people, especially rural dwellers are improved,” President Weah emphasized in June of 2018.

He, however, admonished authorities and contractors of LACE to ensure that the project was carried out speedily, efficiently, and durably to lift the people, especially rural inhabitants, from poverty to economic development.

Speaking earlier also, LACE Executive Director Quiwu Pepci Yekeh said the project, which was geared towards the attainment of economic justice, would see the construction of the first 283 low-cost housing for vulnerable Liberians, beginning in Sass Town, Grand Kru County.

Yekeh added that the project was the first ever initiated by the government that seeks to close the housing gap, provides direct benefit to rural communities, strengthens poverty reduction and social protection as well as provides hope to eradicate poverty in order for rural dwellers to enjoy direct benefit from the government.

“This will be the first time for a sitting government since the foundation of Liberia, to provide free housing for its citizens; this is a solid example that President Weah is committed to a long term and sustainable development of Liberia’s low housing sector, using a holistic and partnership approach,” Yekeh added in June of 2018.

Some of the eight pro-poor housing units constructed in Barclayville in Grand Kru County

He observed that the Pro-Poor Housing Project focuses on strengthening the wellbeing of the poor families as the government was working on building the resilience of over one million rural inhabitants in communities targeting women and children development, basic housing plan, social protection, peace and stability, and health and wellbeing.

The Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) in its National Economy Survey Report says 54.1 percent of the population; especially rural dwellers do not live in their own housing or do not have houses at all.

What is the Status of the Pro-Poor Housing Units in Grand Kru?

Fast forward to 2023, few months to the holding of presidential and legislative elections, the authoritative Independent Probe newspaper (IPNEWS) has gathered there were eight (8) pro-poor housing units built in Barclayville, the capitol city of Grand Kru County, home of President George Weah, President Pro Tempore Albert Chie, Deputy Speaker J. Fonati Koffa and Senator Numenee Bartekwa.

During the investigation, IPNEWS discovered that there are some occupants in some of the eight pro-poor housing units constructed for the ordinary people of Grand Kru County.

In a conversation with two occupants of the pro-poor housing units constructed in Barclayville, IPNEWS discovered the two occupants are not official beneficiaries of the housing units in Grand Kru County, but are in the county to work there officially from the Ministry of Health and the Grand Kru County Technical College.

Some of the eight pro-poor housing units constructed in Barclayville in Grand Kru County

According to the Ministry of Health worker, who is the Grand Kru County Diagnostic Officer, Emmanuel Wufuie, they are two occupants residing in one of the housing units. Also IPNEWS spoke to another occupant of one of pro-poor housing units, who works for the Grand Kru Technical College, Eto Q. B. Jr, who also disclosed he lives in one of the units along with another person whose name he did not reveal.

Emmanuel and Eto told IPNEWS that the housing units were provide to them to resident by their bosses in consultation with the County authority of Grand Kru. But IPNEWS observed that more the four (4) persons are residing in the pro-poor housing units constructed in Barclayville, as it was noticed that most of the occupants were absent when IPNEWS correspondent visited the area in Barclayville where the housing units are constructed.

Grand Kru County Assistant Superintendent for Development could not be reached to authenticate how the current occupants of some of the pro-poor housing units have come to reside in those facilities as the Development Superintendent is said to reside in Monrovia for most part of the year.

President Weah Breaks Ground for 100 Housing Units in Bong County

It can be recalled in December 2020, residents of the town of Weanesue in Lower Bong County witnessed President George Weah break grounds for the construction of 100 modern pro-poor housing units which scheduled to have been completed in March 2021.

“The project begins immediately as of this groundbreaking ceremony,” President Weah declared on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

He told jubilant residents that the presidential pro-poor housing project is an actualization of the promise made in 2017 to the Liberian people. “In 2017, I came to you the Liberian people and said if you voted me President, I would work for you, and transform your lives. I said I would build you decent homes,” the President reflected.

Flashback: President George Weah breaks grounds for the housing units

He continued, amid endless cheers: “Today I am here to break ground in continuation of the housing projects we have begun to build across the country. Already, many communities in Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh, Montserrado Counties, etc. have benefited. And there are plans to go Grand Cape Mount and other counties.”

Having lived in a hut years ago, the President said it was unacceptable for Liberians to continue to live in shanty structures, and in such miserable and deplorable conditions.

President Weah assured the residents of Weanesue that, like their counterparts in other places, they will also have the experience of living in homes that contain kitchens, bathrooms and other facilities.

Welcoming President Weah and entourage to Weanesue, the town Chief thanked him for thinking about them.

“We are very excited to have you here. Since the founding of this town, you are the first President to stop here,” the local leader said.

The housing project is being implemented by the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE).

What are the Statuses of All the Pro-Poor Housing Units Being Built around the Country?

–Fact Checking SONA: Only 20 Pro-Poor Homes Built in Nimba County, Not 100

Nimba County – In his 5th State of the Nation Address to the Legislature on January 24, 2022, President George Weah stated that his administration completed the “100 Housing Units Construction Project in Nimba County”. But a reality check of the President’s statement found it to be incorrect.

President Weah promised to construct over 1,500 pro poor housing units across the 15 Counties. It is part of the Special Presidential Pro-poor Housing Units Project, which the President said will bring relief to Liberians in the rural part of the country.

Two of the pro-poor housing units constructed in Nimba County

In early December 2020, President Weah then broke grounds for the start of the project in Nimba County.

But with his report given to the Legislature about completed projects across the country, Local Voices Liberia (LVL) did check to see if the number of houses in the report did add up with the reality.

A physical tour of the housing projects across Nimba County found 10 fully completed Pro-Poor housing units and not 100 as captured in President Weah’s SONA.

LVL mobile fact checker found the 10 completed units in Pawpaw Village – which is a town located about 25km away from the commercial city of Ganta. The other 10 housing units are still under construction in Domah village, which is about 15Km away from Ganta City.

There are no other ongoing pro-poor housing projects anywhere in the county.


Based on a physical tour of the housing projects to ascertain the number of housing units fully completed, LVL concluded that President Weah statement or report that 100 pro-poor homes have been completed in Nimba County is incorrect.

Liberia: 141 Presidential Pro Poor Housing Units to Be Formally Distributed

On 6 August 2020, the media reported that Sasstown’s senior citizens (elderly) in Grand Kru County — known to be vulnerable — who have lived in dilapidated mud-and-thatch houses up to now, were expected to formally get free and modern ‘family houses’ under the Presidential Pro Poor Housing Units project.

The Housing Units (27ft x 25ft) comprise two bed rooms, a living room, bathroom and two porches.

Since then, there has been no reports whether those senior citizens of Sasstown, which the home town of President George Weah, have ever been given those pro-poor housing units that were being constructed, neither was it reported whether those units were completed.

More Pro-poor Housing Units under Construction in Liberia Says, LACE Boss

In March 2021, Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) disclosed that, government was building and was about to complete 1,500 Pro-Poor Housing Units in the 15 counties aimed at improving the living standards of some Liberians.

LACE Boss, Quiwu Pepci Yekeh in a special interview with reporters in Sasstown in March of 2021 said, government had completed a total of 500 Pro-Poor housing units in Sasstown, Grand Kru, Popo Beach in Montserrado, and Kpelleh Village in Grand Gedeh counties and other places.


According to him, about 240 housing units were completed in Grand Kru County including Grandcess, Sasstown, Barclayville, and neighboring villages and towns.

Few of the pro-poor housing units constructed by LACE in suburb of Monrovia

He added that in Grand Gedeh County they completed the first phase with 50 housing units and would continue with the second phase of the project.

Mr. Yekeh attested to the poor living condition of the people, and mentioned that the new structures would bring relief and excitement to the beneficiaries who no longer needed to go outdoors to bath or use the toilet.

President Weah had promised to build 200 housing Units in Kanweaken, River Gee County and Gbi and Doru, Nimba County according to the LACE boss.

Mr. Yekeh said there are plans to continue the housing units in Bomi and Grand Cape Mount counties respectively.

Meanwhile, citizens of Sasstown, Grand Kru County then appreciated the Liberian leader for changing their living situation.

They attributed the Liberian leader ascendency to the presidency as a blessing to the county and especially the people of Sasstown.

Political Pundits’ Assertion on the Pro-Poor Housing Units

Meanwhile, with the latest report that eight of the pro-poor housing units built in Barclayville in Grand Kru County, some are being occupants by people they were not intended has spark public debate among political pundits.

According to some pundits, there has never a fixed number of pro-poor housing units the Weah’s administration said it would construct, as in some instance they have mentioned 1,500 or 564 housing units, 94 latrines, and 30 hands pumps would have been constructed in some rural areas, throughout the entire 15 counties of Liberia at no cost.

But along the way, there are instances where fact checkers have verified in some of the counties only to find the less number of houses constructed as opposed to the previous numbers stated prior to construction.

On classic example was in his 5th State of the Nation Address to the Legislature on January 24, 2022, when President George Weah stated that his administration completed the “100 Housing Units Construction Project in Nimba County”. But a reality check of the President’s statement found it to be incorrect.

But with his report given to the Legislature about completed projects across the country, Local Voices Liberia (LVL) did a fact check to see if the number of houses in the report did add up with the reality.

A physical tour of the housing projects across Nimba County found 10 fully completed Pro-Poor housing units and not 100 as captured in President Weah’s SONA.

LVL mobile fact checker found the 10 completed units in Pawpaw Village – which is a town located about 25km away from the commercial city of Ganta. The other 10 housing units are still under construction in Domah village, which is about 15Km away from Ganta City.

There are no other ongoing pro-poor housing projects anywhere in the county.

Using the Pro-Poor Housing Units as 2023 Elections Campaign Tool?

Meanwhile, some pundits told IPNEWS that one of the reason the George Weah’s government has not made public the latest regarding the pro-poor housing units it said it was constructing around the country for poor ordinary Liberians, is because he might want to use as his trump card in propelling his re-election bid for the Liberian presidency come the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

For supporters of the CDC government, if even the President Weah administration did not live up to expectation to construct the 1,500 pro-poor housing units it had promised to construct, the fact that it has constructed considerably number, is an indication that he cares for the ordinary rural dwellers in providing them shelters.

But on the contrary, some members of the opposition bloc and including other ordinary Liberians, the Weah’s administration will use the few housing units constructed to play on the minds of the vulnerable voters come the 2023 elections that they care for them that is why they took rural dwellers out of thatch houses to modern concrete houses in rural Liberia.

As for bookmakers, they eagerly watching to see what unfolds leading to the 2023 presidential and legislative elections, if the ordinary people will be misled this time around with few pro-poor housing units, while the bulk of the nation resources are being reaped and enjoyed by few handful of Weah-led government, which official mandates comes to an end after the 2023 elections if it is not re-elected, or which mandate will extend if it is re-elected. Additional reporting by Siebo Williams, Editor-in-Chief, IPNEWS; siebowilliams881@yahoo.com, siebowilliams@yahoo.com; 0770-217748 & 0886-518129

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