Liberia: “Pay-For-Play”, Samuel Jackson Exposes Senator Snowe

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Liberia: “Pay-For-Play”, Samuel Jackson Exposes Senator Snowe

–Alleges Dubious Act; Describes Him as an ‘Overgrown Child’

IPNEWS-Monrovia: A former economic advisor to ex-Liberian president Charles Taylor, and as well as a consultant to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning during former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s administration, Samuel Jackson has released a bombshell through his Open Letter to Bomi County Senator, Edwin Melvin Snowe, over an alleged negotiation that would have kept his mouth shut over the trucking of Iron Ore from Western Liberia (Bomi, Cape Mount & Gbarpolu Counties) to the Freeport of Monrovia.

Mr. Jackson, who has been publicly vilified by the Liberian populace over his constant criticism of previous governments he worked for and pocketed thousands of United States dollars for ‘consultancy’, and who also from the onset of the George Weah’s administration publicly criticized it that it was unfit to lead the country, has now changed colors and says he supports the re-election bid of President George Weah in 2023.

Mr. Jackson who always preaches elitism and country-congau divide, referring to one group of the opposition bloc as being ‘elites’ who according to him, want to re-take state power from the ‘indigenous’ who he said make up the current Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government, has taken Senator Snowe to task through his Open Letter.

Bomi County Edwin Snowe – he is being accused by Samuel Jackson of promising to give him US$10k to keep his mouth shut, thus allowing the Bomi lawmaker and ‘his cartel of friends’ truck iron ore from Western Liberia to the Freeport of Monrovia

Jackson’s open letter accuses Senator Snowe of promising to give him (Jackson) what he calls hush money of US$10K to allow him (Snowe) and his cartel to truck iron ore from Bomi County to the Freeport of Monrovia to the detriment of ordinary people who live along the roadside from Western Liberia to the Freeport of Monrovia in Montserrado County.

Below is the letter from Samuel Jackson to Bomi County Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe, Jr. that was later taken down from the social media


“Dear Edwin Melvin Snowe Jr. You blocked me on WhatsApp so I am constrained to publish this letter. This is a matter two adults could’ve solved as men. But you are an overgrown child who did not mature enough and trusted yourself into leadership roles that you are not prepared for.

 On or about May 27 in 2022 you called me promising me 10k as hush money to allow you and your cartel to truck iron ore from Bomi to the Freeport of Monrovia. If I just kept quiet. I sent you a memo to forward to your friends at Vedanta the Multi-billion dollar Indian Iron ore company. They had revenues of 26 billion last year with hundreds of billions in assets. Look at the price of their shares on the stock market. 

I sent you the following message to your inbox this morning but you had already blocked me. Since you want a public spectacle I will give you one. 

Good morning Edwin. Unlike you, I don’t keep a grudge. I have little interest in power or money. If I did none of you would come close to me. You dropped out of college in the US in 2003 to take the position of MD at LPRC. That’s your road to wealth, fame, and political power. 

My friendly advice to you. You are on the defensive in the Western Cluster. This could destroy you politically and expose you to criminal liabilities even if you claim did nothing wrong. Trucking iron ore through populated areas is a grave risk. Environmentally. Socially. The long-term consequences are mostly unknown. You could be 70 years old and be exposed since you were at the forefront. 

Go back to the memo I sent you on May 27. My education is my biggest asset, I was trying to help you all but you as always want a quick deal. Your people don’t need a Bassa man like me to tell them about the dangers and associated risks. That young man held his own. I know Bomi citizens are gearing up to take this to higher levels. Global Witness. The US Embassy is watching. 

If you think I am your enemy you are dead wrong. This trucking of ore if not fixed with the appropriate mitigation measures could cost us Bomi, Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu in the elections. 

God bless. You now know I didn’t give Stanton any questions as you claim on December 30. I saw him trying to help you last night. He is a good guy in a difficult space.”

IPNEWS Reported In June 2022:

Western Cluster to Resume Operations in Liberia – Senator Snowe Discloses; Lauds Pres. Weah

IPNEWS-Monrovia: In can be recalled in June 2022, Bomi County Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe disclosed that Western Cluster Ltd was set to resume operations in Western Liberia following the Ebola and Coronavirus pandemics respectively that struck Liberia and other parts of the world.

Western Cluster Liberia is one of the biggest concessions in that region. Western Liberia is considered one of the most impoverished regions in Liberia. Therefore, concessions in the area go a long way in providing jobs and improving the standard of living in the area.

President George Weah and Bomi County Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe

The company signed a 25-year Mineral Development Agreement with the Government of Liberia in August 2011.

Under the agreement, the company is expected to mine up to 30 million tons of iron ore annually, comprised primarily of quartz, hematite, and magnetite, such weathering and replacement products as martite and limonite.

Western Cluster Limited, until the Ebola pandemic, reportedly made annual contributions of US$ 2.8 million for social and educational projects and launched a project to provide free medical services to residents in hard-to-reach villages in Bomi County.

However, the company pullout in 2014 due to Ebola pandemic and subsequently, the coronavirus pandemic.

However, having held several negotiations with the company, Bomi County Senator Edwin Snowe lauded President George Weah and his administration for providing an enabling environment for the resumption of Western Cluster operations in Bomi. “The Government has been very instrumental and magnanimous in making sure that the company resumes operation.”

The Bomi County Senator further noted: “On many occasions, an array of government officials to include but not limited to Senate Pro-Temp Albert Chie, former Minister Nathaniel McGill, Finance Minister Samuel Tweah, Mines and Energy Minister Gesler Murray, LRA Commissioner-General Thomas Doe-Nah, NPA Managing Director Bill Twehway, NIC Chairman Molewuleh Gray and many others left their busy schedules to join us in meetings as well as to visit the Freeport of Monrovia in making sure Western Cluster was accommodated to commence active and effective operation. Mr. President, your efforts towards Bomi truly commensurate with the cliché; “If you make Bomi happy, Bomi will make you happy 2023”.

According to Senator Snowe, “Western Cluster announced groundbreaking to commence mining operations on Wednesday June 8th. This will provide jobs for our people thus easing their dependency and making them independent. Thanks again Mr. President and to all your officials who worked around the clock in making this dream a reality. Thanks to the Bomi County Legislative Caucus current and former as well as Bomi stakeholders for the unity in the realization of this milestone achievement. Indeed, “TOGETHER WE BUILD”.

A prominent citizen of Bomi County, Taweh Johnson expressed gratitude and happiness that the company was resuming operations in Bomi County and Western Liberia at large. “We are profoundly excited by your level of work for the people of Bomi County and the Western region. The resurfacing of Western Cluster is a great economic and social relief to the region. We can safely say with reference to God that “Bomi is rising”. Thanks to you again Hon. Snowe, you continue to demonstrate your love for county by giving your best for the people. You are proving worthy of the trust and confidence reposed in you by our people each day that passes. We appreciate the Government of Liberia for giving you and the Caucus the outmost support to reach this far. God bless you, God bless our leaders, and God bless Bomi County.”

As for former Bomi County Senator Sando Johnson he recalled about the operations of Western Cluster Limited, stating “the company was giving Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties US$950,000 each year in social development funds and at the same time paying taxes to the government without exporting ore from Liberia up to the time Ebola pandemic started.”

He also expressed delight Western Cluster was resuming operations in Bomi County.

It can recalled Bomi County Senator Edwin Snowe took the initiative to launch a negotiation for the return of the company to Liberia, looking at the job demands and the underdevelopment of the Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties.

A Liberian delegation was sent to India and negotiated the return of the company to Liberia. As part of the negotiations, the company was required to pay US$10 million as a complete settlement of its financial obligation for the period it was not operating in Liberia. This negotiated amount is 50 percent of its financial obligation to the Liberian government. However, due to the circumstances surrounding the suspension of its activities, the amount was reportedly slashed by half.

Beyond the agreements reached in the revised MOU, Western Cluster has agreed to provide US$3 million from the Freeport of Monrovia to St. Paul River Bridge and also another US$1.5 million from Bomi to St. Paul River Bridge, as demanded by the government.

According to the company, after reconditioning the road, it will continue to repair and maintain the roads for damages due to the transportation of its ore to the Freeport of Monrovia.

The MDA, states that “The Company has priority use of the NOIC and LMC Iron Ore piers at the Port during exploration and production operating periods and any extensions thereof, subject to all applicable laws, the terms of the port lease, and rights of third parties relating to the Port, including the rights of APM Terminals Liberia, Ltd. ratified September 17, 2010, and APMT’s rights to use the LMC during the “construction phase” as set forth in Section 10.01 and Appendix 4 and 7.06 of the Freeport Concession Agreement…”

It can also be recalled that the Freeport of Monrovia did not want to relinquish the pier to the company, because it was gathered by IPNEWS apparently that the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) wanted to construct an annex close to APM Terminals at the port.

It was others’ belief that the LRA wanted to secure the pier for another company of interest. However, IPNEWS has been unable to independently verify this information.

But Bomi County Senator Edwin Snowe told a local daily some time ago that he expressed to the LRA Commissioner General that he was shocked by his alleged decision because the National Investment Commission and the Minister of State had been very supportive of Western Cluster’s resumption of mining activities in the county.

He further disclosed that Western Cluster had been very collaborative to all the demands that have been made by the government so far, despite their existing MDA.

According to Sen. Snowe, he was informed by Mr. Nah that the LRA and a private company had formed a private venture and are about to carry out construction at that LMC pier and that Western Cluster should find somewhere else.

He, however, said that he, the legislative caucus, former Senator Johnson, and other key stakeholders in the county did not give up on the process and that they carried out consultations and engagements that ensured the matter is resolved. He said at the time they were yet to exhaust all of their options.

However with the declaration from Senator Snowe that Western Cluster Ltd is set to resume operations in Bomi County, it indicates that issues surrounding the delay of the company’s resuming operations might have been resolved by all parties concerned.

Senator Snowe once told a local daily that, “from 2011 up to 2014, Western Cluster was paying the NPA US$1.2 million as renter of the pier though it was not shipping.”

Meanwhile pundits have lauded Senator Snowe, the government, and everyone who contributed for Western Cluster Ltd to resume operations in Bomi County and western Liberia at large, most especially when unemployment was on the increase in Liberia. “The resumption of operations of the company in Bomi would have come any better than now,” one political pundit asserted.

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