Breaking News: More Arms & Ammunition Discovered In Brewerville

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Breaking News: More Arms & Ammunition Discovered In Brewerville

—- As Joint Security Heightens Search

IPNEWS: Barely six hours following the report by the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper on the seizure of huge consignment of arms and ammunition at the Freeport of Monrovia, IPNEWS has reliably gathered that an early morning raid at the home of the consignee in the Brewerville city, a suburb of Monrovia, has led to the discovery of another huge consignment arms and ammunition.

According to security sources, the arms and ammunition were uncovered following the issuance of a Search and Seizure Warrant in connection with a classified leak from an unidentified man claiming to be a Liberian boyfriend of the consignee (name withheld), to security officers.

According to the report, another boyfriend of the consignee currently residing in the United States only identified as ‘Baker’ and also a residence of the Brewerville community has reportedly been sending tons of weaponry to the consignee for nearly a year.

Earlier this morning the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, reported the seizure of a huge cache of arms and ammunition at the Freeport of Monrovia.

At the moment, IPNEWS understands that there is ongoing intense security investigation following the seizure of at least 45 assorted rifles at the freeport of Monrovia.

IPNEWS managed to obtain photos of at least ten document-preserved boxes loaded with the rifles.

Some of the rifles discovered according to security sources are mounted with long-range lance glasses to includes M203 launcher gadgets, American-made M16, and AK47, among others.

The Freeport of Monrovia container yard

IPNEWS understands that the consignment was designated for a client (name withheld) on Old Road, a suburb of Monrovia.

Additional security sources informed IPNEWS late Wednesday, that a Customs Officer (Name withheld) was earlier arrested and is now reportedly at large.

The report on the seizure of this heavy consignment of arms and ammunition to has placed security on high alert.

In the capital city Monrovia, there were a heavy security presence at major intersections and a rigorous search of vehicles overnight.




Some of the cache of arms and ammunition seized by Liberian security operatives at the Freeport of Monrovia

When contacted, Liberian Security authorities remained tight-lipped, apparently due to the nature of the seizure and fear to plunge the country into pandemonium.

Recently 100 million cocaine shipments were seized at the very Freeport of Monrovia, following a tipoff by U.S. Security Apparatus to its Liberian counterparts.

The seizure of the cocaine sparked mixed reactions in both Liberia and the world on the security at the Freeport of Monrovia.

Prior to the repeated and unprecedented discoveries, Liberia’s Freeport of Monrovia was one of the safest ports within the West African region when it was managed by both Liberian authorities and the pre-shipment giant BIVAC.

It may be recalled, in 2021, the government of Liberia abruptly canceled the contract of the International Company Bureau Veritas, (BIVAC), longtime operator in Liberia for pre-shipment inspection and Destination inspection.

Flashback: Minister of Justice and LDEA Director and security personnel at the scene where the confiscated US$100 million cocaine was burnt

Minutes after the abrupt cancelation, the government of Liberia brought in MEDTECH Scientific Ltd, based in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, a sole medical company, to manage the pre-shipment and post-shipment operations at the Freeport of Monrovia and other ports of entry.

Sources within MEDTECH Scientific Ltd, have hinted IPNEWS that MEDTECH Scientific Ltd, now MEDTECH Scientific Liberia Ltd., does not have the technical capacity to manage Liberia’s international pre-inspection of shipment for which the George Weah-led Administration awarded a 10-year contract, knocking out long-time pre-inspection specialist, BIVAC, and is now only conducting destination inspection without modern logistics and port scanning equipment.

Under this same MEDTECH Scientific Ltd, now MEDTECH Scientific Liberia Ltd, 100 million dollars value of drugs (Cocaine) landed and departed the Freeport of Monrovia without a trace. For more into this breaking news, login to

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