“I Remain Focused on My Work, County and Silent on Being Potential Vice Presidential Candidate” – Sen. Karnga-Lawrence


“I Remain Focused on My Work, County and Silent on Being Potential Vice Presidential Candidate” – Sen. Karnga-Lawrence

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The embattled political leader of the opposition Liberty Party (LP), Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence says she is aware of the many discussions surrounding her as a potential Vice Presidential candidate. But on the contrary, she has chosen to remain silent on the topic because she remains focused on her work as a Senator of Grand Bassa and on solving issues within her beloved Liberty Party.

Addressing a news conference Wednesday, January 4, 2023, the Liberty Party political leader stated she remains confident in what she has done in the Senate, what she has done in Grand Bassa and how she has represented women well in and out of our country. “Regardless of what the future holds for me, and our Party, I am blessed to serve my County, my Party and my Country. I am confident that the Liberty Party will be the biggest influencer in electing the next President of the Republic of Liberia,” Senator Karnga-Lawrence stressed

According to the Grand Bassa County Senator, “Yes, we are confident because, over the last decade and a half, our party has positioned itself as an institution that was established to contribute significantly to the democratization of our country and to institutionalize the rule of law. Being so, we have continued to maintain a visible party structure, playing the role of a loyal and constructive opposition, even in the face of questionable electoral outcomes. This is why our respect will always stand tall for the founding father of the party, Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine and the patriotic men and women who stood with him. He taught us the value of working and waiting. Now, our partisans, dispersed throughout the length and breadth of this country, are proud that in the face of attempts to dismantle our institution and throw into oblivion the gains we’ve made as a formidable institution, we have always found a rallying point to resist such attempts. The experiences of the 2005, 2011 and 2017 Elections have strengthened us even more, and we are ready.”

Liberty Party political leader Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence says she will welcome being named by former Vice President Joseph Boakai as his running mate in the 2023 but for now her focus is on her work as Senator for her county Grand Bassa and people as well as Liberia. But the question is will Senator Karnga-Lawrence leave the Liberty Party to join Boakai’s Unity Party in order to real her dream of being a running mate to the Boakai? She and the National Chairman of the LP, Musa Bility are currently running rival factions of the 

Recognizing the challenge in resisting quick financial and material gains in one of the poorest countries in the world, “the Political Leader applauds the many partisans at home and abroad who refused to compromise their integrity and that of the Liberty Party for monetary and other gains. But by the Grace of God and the diligence of our partisans, the Liberty Party survived what internal and external saboteurs intended to be a devastating and neutralizing blow to our Party.”

She gave special thanks to members of the National Executive Committee, who according to her, “resisted unconstitutional decisions and activities; members of the National Advisory Council, who carried out their duties attempting to resolve various issues using internal party mechanisms;  County Chairs, youth groups and party auxiliaries, who withstood bribery and payouts from unscrupulous individuals despite their personal financial difficulties; to Liberty Party-USA, a pillar of strength within our institution, for refusing the false narratives from smooth talkers and defending the Party’s constitution; to our lawyers and legal team, for diligence in guiding our actions and representing the facts at the highest courts in our nation; and to our partisans at home and abroad who gave their moral and financial support for us to bring the truth to light and expose those who were bent on compromising our Party for money, personal gains and satisfaction of their ego.”

Continuing Senator Karnga-Lawrence, she noted that they are confident – that good will always triumph over bad, light over darkness and integrity over selfish personal gains. “It is this confidence that gives us courage for 2023, courage to Reconcile, courage to Reform, courage to Rebuild, and courage to Recover. These are the 4Rs that were birthed by our founding father, Cllr Charles Walker Brumskine. May his soul rest in peace and may his legacy continue to guide us through treacherous times.”

The Liberty Party political leader then acknowledged the support from the public, expressed through different opinion polls, showing that they have earned the trust and confidence of the Liberian population. “I am humbled by your recognition of my works, both for our people and the nation at large. I assure you that by the special Grace of God, my presence will continue to be felt as we travel the long road to nation-building. Through the eye of faith, I am confident that 2023 marks the beginning of the rescue mission for our country.”

To this end, Senator Karnga-Lawrence implores each Liberian, at home and abroad, to take upon themselves the responsibility of educating each other (in the homes, churches, mosques, communities, organizations, etc.) about the importance of making the right decisions for a better Liberia. “I speak of that Liberia that will make the well-being of the people number one priority, with focus on better healthcare, education, job creation, Youth Rehabilitation and reintegration, and job creation to build a middle class,” the Liberty Party political emphasized.

The embattled Liberty Party political has extended a warm Happy New Year to Liberty Party supporters and partisans, as well as to citizens of the Republic of Liberia, at home and abroad.

“I wish to extend heartfelt gratitude to the leaders and partisans of the institutional structures within the Liberty Party who have stood by me and the values upon which the Liberty party was founded, being deeply rooted in integrity and respect for the rule of law,” she stated.

Concluding, Senator Karnga-Lawrence evoked the blessings of God to every Liberty Party partisans and wished them good health and wellness as well asked God’s blessing on the people of Liberia and the country as a whole.

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