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Hon. Momo Tarnuekollie Cyrus was nominated by thousands of Lofa citizens from all districts, because of his previous and current works for the County and Liberia at large.
He works in the private sector currently and yet contributing to communities in Liberia.

He is educated and humanitarian above all. Please read his profile below 👇👇 and see reasons why he captured the LOFA TV PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR AWARD. Let begin with his Educational Background.

Ibrahim B. Babangida Graduate School of International Studies, University of Liberia (2018)
Master’s degree in International Relations
Liberia College (The College of Social Sciences and Humanities), University of Liberia (2009)
Bachelor’s degree in Social Science with emphasis in Political Science
International Forum on African Leadership (African Leadership Award & Medal of Honor in
Business (2018)
Certificate of Honor
Branson Scholarship Program (Entrepreneurship Development) in Johannesburg, South
Africa (2016)
Certificate of Participation
Branson Scholarship Program Advanced Course in Entrepreneurship and Leadership in
Johannesburg, South Africa (2016)
Certificate of Completion
Sida’s International Training Programme (Strategic Business Management) in Stockholm,
Sweden (2016)
Certificate of Achievement
Sida’s International Training Programme (Strategic Business Management) in Dares Salaam,
Tanzania (2016)
Certificate of Achievement
Washington Strategic Leadership Conference (Strategic Leadership with Measurable
outcomes) in the United States of America (2017)

Certificate of Achievement :
Security Information System User – Level 1 (ISVM – Information System Vulnerability
Management) in Monrovia (LIBTELCO) (2017)
Certificate of Participation
SBM Global Leadership for Sustainable Development (Leadership Strategy Expedition) in
Zanzibar (2017)
Certificate of Participation
Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute – Ministry of Foreign Affairs October 12, 2007
PostGraduate Diploma in Diplomacy and International Relations
College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia, December 16, 2009
Bachelors of Art degree in Sociology with emphasis in Political Science
Morris Airlines and Commercial Institute, 1992 – 1995
Diploma in Business Administration
Gboveh High School, Gbarnga City, Bong County, Republic of Liberia December 1987
WAEC Certificate and Diploma
Voinjama Swedish Free Pentecostal Mission School, 1992 – 1995
Elementary and Junior High School Education,
Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with
Kings College, London – Conflict Security and Development Group (CSDG), December 1-5,
Certificate in Development Diplomacy and International Civilian Peacekeeping
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy, July 26 – 29, 2005
Certificate in Basic Course in Intelligence Fight Against Terrorism
Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Singapore Cooperation Programme, April 29 – May 10, 2005
Certificate in New Developments in Management of Aviation Security and Understanding al Qaeda
Network Course
Ministry of National Security in collaboration with the US Government
Certificate in Intelligence and Counterintelligence on Hezbollah Operations, 2005
Certificate in Report Writing and Intelligence Analysis, 1994
Certificate in Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 1997


General Manager/CEO – Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL) 2014 – Present
General Manager Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL) 2009 2014

Office Manager Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL) 2006 2009
Provide consistent leadership in managing the daily operations of the Company which secures
humanitarian, diplomatic, multilateral, educational, extractive, port, private and public entities in
Some of the entities include or have included ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML), National
Democratic Institute, APM Terminals, IRC, Ecobank, Access Bank, AccessBank Liberia,
Guaranty Trust Bank, UN Common System Agencies in Liberia (UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR,
UNFPA, WFP and WHO), AU Liaison in Liberia, Embassies of France and of Ivory Coast and
the Norwegian Refugee Council, etc.
Consultant/Private Investigator – Water Aid Liberia, August 2010 to 2015
Provide relevant expert opinions on safety and security considerations for all planned movements
and activities of the Management;
Investigate and provide reports on thefts and fraudulent operations at the entity for appropriate
managerial actions, etc.
Regional Commander – National Security Agency (NSA) 2004 – May 2006
Responsible for oversight of security operations of NSA operatives in Grand Bassa, Margibi and
Rivercess Counties respectively
Chief of Procurement and Supplies – National Security Agency (NSA) 2003 – 2004
Undertook procurement of essential supplies and logistics of the Agency in liaison with the
General Services Agency (GSA)
Chief of Internal Security – National Security Agency (NSA) 1999 – 2002
Conducted specialized investigations and assigned

Note that
this is just a small summary of the many contributions he has made to our county, country and
1.Human Capacity Development Hon. Cyrus has given innumerable Financial Aid &
Scholarships to several students in & out of Lofa County in various schools, colleges,
universities, and other learning institutions.
2.At the 2021/2022 graduation exercises of the Voinjama Multilateral High School, Hon. Cyrus
offered full scholarships to two high-performing students of the institution, a male and
a female, to study at any University of their choice to complete bachelor’s degree, with
prospects of extending to Master’s and beyond.
3.At the same occasion above, Hon. Cyrus provided US$ 1,500 to the student council
government of the Voinjama Multilateral High School towards their construction
project and another US$ 1,000 to the Lofa County Mass Choir, a group of choristers from
every district in Lofa, towards legalization of the organization and purchase of equipment.
4.During the recent graduation exercises of the Free Pentecostal College in Voinjama, Hon.
Cyrus gave scholarship to all 6 graduates of the criminal justice department to enroll at
the Africa Methodist Episcopal Zion University to pursue further studies in Criminal
Justice, which in turn will be a great help to the county. The 6 students cut across the various
district of Lofa.
5.Also at the same graduation exercise, Hon. Cyrus provided U$ 10,000 to the
administration of the Free Pentecostal College, US$5000 for operational expense of the
college and US$ 5000 towards the construction of the criminal justice department of the
institution. The college is the second highest institution of learning in Voinjama providing
education for citizens from all walks of life and from every part of the county.
6.In addition to the above, Hon. Cyrus previously provided huge financial support for the
establishment of what the institution has named ‘Momo T. Cyrus Program of Criminal
Justice’ at the Free Pentecostal College and donated a four-door cabin pick-up worth
over US$ 15,000 to the institution for its operations. This intervention provides a great
relief for students especially young people who want to pursue a career in criminal justice.
7.As a person who is always concerned about the health and wellbeing of his people, Hon. Cyrus
during the heat of the Ebola made huge donation worth over US$ 15,000 of preventive
materials to include but not limited to nose masks, chorine, soap, tissues; food items
to include rice, and nonfood item to include a huge consignment of fuel to frontline
fighters including the Lofa County Health Team, the Joint Security, community radio
stations & other communities.
8.Hon. Momo T. Cyrus did similar, but this time even expanding this gesture during the heat of
the COVID19 Virus in Liberia around May 2020.
He spent certainly over $22,000 to
provide huge quantity of covid-19 preventive materials, food and non-food items and
huge consignment of fuel to frontline fighters including the Lofa County Health
Team, the Joint Security, community radio stations & other communities. This time,
his donations were extended in Montserrado, Nimba & Grand Bassa Counties.
.Stepping up his humanity, Hon. Cyrus broke grounds for the construction of a dormitory for
the visually impaired people in Lofa County and promised the establishment of an Eye
Treatment Center at the County’s major referral hospital i.e., the Tellewoyan Hospital in
Voinjama, Lofa County. Both projects are well on course.
10.Hon. Cyrus interest in the capacity building of the youths of Lofa County, played a
major/leading role in the negotiation with the faculty, staff, and administration at the Lofa
County Community College (LCCC) which resulted to the teachers returning to classes and
administering the final exams after long weeks of unresolved protests. He is an influential
voice in the peace and reconciliation drive of our county. Negotiations efforts in transporting
a huge delegation to his home town and settling other expenses hovered a little over US$5,000
11.Serving as the Steering Committee Chairman of the Lofa County Sports Association Steering
& Resource Mobilization Committee, Lofa County for the first time ever won the National
County Meet Football trophy in 2021 and subsequently won the Kickball trophy also for the
first time in the history of Lofa County in 2022. The two trophies caused him a personal
expense of OVER US$ 100, 000. (Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). These two
events mark the first time ever for Lofa to win these trophies since the county meet
was established.
12.Hon. Momo T. Cyrus is currently providing job opportunities for more than 3,500
Liberians, a very significant number of them being Lofians, through his security
company, the Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL). Hon. Cyrus is greatly
contributing to the poverty reduction strategy in Liberia and must be held in high esteem.
13.Hon. Momo T. Cyrus through his company, SEGAL made a huge donation of assorted
items worth over US$ 5000 including several pieces of mattresses, over 50 bags of rice,
assorted used clothing, and assorted food stuffs among others to the Monrovia Central
Prison (MCP) on January 30, 2020.
14.Hon. Momo T. Cyrus made a huge donation of Materials worth close to US$ 6,000
including but not limited to mattresses, used clothes, bags of rice, assorted food stuffs
to Mudslide Victims in Sierra Leone on September 15, 2017 through the Sierra Leonean
Embassy in Monrovia, Liberia.
15.In 2016, your humble servant Hon. Momo T. Cyrus donated and installed US$ 23,000
worth of electronic security equipment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provided
one year maintenance of these equipment for the government of Liberia. Some of the items
included electronic security doors, CCTVs, etc.
16.In 2012 to 2013, Hon. Cyrus based on his passion for women empowerment donated a four
door cabin pick-up worth a little over US$ 15,000 to the Bondi Women Association
17.During his recent visit to Foya city at the latter part of March 2022, Hon. Cyrus donated L$
50,000 to the Konnortaikor Intellectual Forum to enhance the operational efficiency of the
youthful organization.

Ongoing Commitment:
1.As Chief Launcher of the Holta Youth Resource Center in Foya, Hon. Momo T. Cyrus
committed one Million Liberian dollars to the youths of Foya through the leadership of the
Foya Youth Development Association, to be paid in phases with the first trench being L$
250,000; and completion of the balance after an assessment that shows an accountable use of
the funds.

Congratulations and happy new year Hon. Cyrus.
Keep following LOFA TV for more updates…….

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