Konobo District Elects Dweh As Consensus Candidate For 2023

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Konobo District Elects Dweh As Consensus Candidate For 2023

IPNEWS: Ahead of the 2023 General and Presidential elections Citizens of Konobo Statutory District in Grand Gedeh County have elected Hon. Willie Dweh as the District’s Consensus Representative Candidate.
The decision to select a consensus candidate for the representative seat of the district followed series of engagements and dialogues held between the elders and four sons of the district, including Hon. Dweh was aimed at reducing the number Konobo citizens on the ballot paper in the 2023 elections.

Citizens of Konobo district join Representatives Hopeful Willies Dweh to other towns

Konobo Administrative District, which is the most populated in electoral district 2 in Grand Gedeh County, has for the past 38 years failed to produce a son as representative due to the influx of many Konobo citizens on the ballot thereby narrowing the chances of the district to produce a representative since 1985. Konobo Administrative District comprises Glio-Twarbo Administrative District, Putu Administrative District, and Port of Tchien and Kanneh.

Hon. Willie Dweh following the polls defeated four other prominent sons of the district who expressed interest in vying for the district seat with a total of 22 votes from a total of 29 votes cast. The aspirants include Alex Gee, 3 votes, Patrick Bowah, with one vote, and Shem Jallayu, with a total of 3 votes.

Konobo district, Grand Gedeh county Representatives. hopeful Wilies Dweh makes case for the district forward march

Most of the elders who served delegates for the four aspirants believed that the decision to send a consensus candidate in the October 2023 National Elections will break the elongated deadlock of not having a representation at the Legislature.
The elders used the occasion to thank Jallayu, Bowah, and Gee for conceding and accepting the results from the election and for putting hope over ambition and humility over pride for the sake of the people of their beloved district.
According to them, the decision taken is the beginning of victory for the Konobo citizens and admonished the three defeated candidates to work with Hon. Willie M. Dweh and his team to ensure that he wins the Grand Gedeh District 2 Representative Seat come October 2023.

Hon. Wilies Dweh makes rounds in various villages in Konobo district

He response, Hon. Dweh expressed gratitude to the elders and people of Konobo for the confidence reposed in him and vowed to work in their best interest for the betterment of the district.

He also lauded his colleagues for exercising exemplary leadership during the entire process and assured them of his commitment to always work and collaborate with them when elected.
Hon. Dweh is a selfless leader and an averred politician and statesman, with vast experience working in different government ministries and agencies.

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