Business News


IPNEWS – APM Terminals Liberia, as part of its social initiatives embarked on a community project geared towards helping the Doe and Freeport communities, which are within its operational area, to become more environmentally resilient.

The annual project dubbed the “Go-Green Campaign,” this year was undertaken in two phases and was aimed at supporting these communities adopt environmentally conscious practices that promote good health and reduce the risk of flooding. It was also aimed at supporting the less-privileged and physically-challenged disabled with food items.

The first phase involved a clean-up exercise in the Doe and Freeport communities, which are within the Port area.

These communities were identified based on a site assessment conducted, which revealed that they are part of some of the communities struggling with sanitary and environmental conditions.

With the contracted service of facility and waste management firm, Cleanex Incorporated, the company engaged the communities to clean drainages, remove solid wastes from designated dumping sites in the community for onward disposal at an approved solid waste site. In all 12,500 ft-long, five-ft wide and six-ft depth was the total size of drainages cleared through this exercise.

The Community Chairman, Mr. John Ellis, expressed his appreciation to APM Terminals Liberia Management adding that the initiative has been extremely beneficial to every community member because cleanliness is everyone’s business.

He urged his fellow community members to take ownership of the project and sustain the good works started by APM Terminals Liberia.

For the second phase, APM Terminals Liberia purchased and donated assorted foodstuff to Group of 77 Liberia, and the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home, a not-for-profit group catering for individuals with cerebral palsy, especially children, and persons with other physical and mental disabilities. All the foodstuffs were purposely bought from local vendors.

This was specifically geared towards promoting the work of local farmers and vendors to enable them grow and sell more fruits and vegetables as the company helps the poor and needy in society.

Momo Sambola, APM Terminals Liberia staff and a representative of the Dock Workers Union of Liberia (DOWUL), who led the donation, emphasized to the beneficiaries that the company has the welfare of the less privileged in society at heart and will continue to support vulnerable groups in society.

Rounding up these series of community programs, Mr. Clay Crain, APM Terminals Liberia Managing Director, who was personally involved in these exercises, expressed appreciation to the communities for warmly receiving and partaking in the campaign. He emphasized the importance of clean and environmentally friendly communities and applauded the youth for their involvement.

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