SUP Launches “Genuine Change-the-People’s Agenda”

International News

SUP Launches “Genuine Change-the-People’s Agenda”

–Sounds 2023 Elections Caveat

IPNEWS: Ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections, the University of Liberia (UL) campus based-political Party, Student Unification Party (SUP) has launched what it calls a Patriotic call for “Genuine Change-the People’s Agenda” aimed at promoting Mesocracy above democratic governance.

According to SUP it’s important for Liberians to be told that democratic systems in Liberia and Africa at large have failed the people therefore, Mesocracy is the best leadership style that suits the governance systems of the continent and Liberia.

“As we have tagged this year’s anniversary advancing New Dawn of Mesocracy through systemic transformation, democratic governance and electoral transparency in Liberia, a patriotic call for genuine change-the people’s agenda, we have come to remind our people how the democratic systems in Africa have failed and that Mesocracy is the best leadership style that suit the governance systems of the continent,” SUP Chairman Mustapha N. Kanneh stated in an exclusive interview with this paper Thursday, December 22, 2022.

Chairman Kanneh described Mesocracy as the government that provides rulership for the people, of the people and by the people, noting that it’s a system that is void of few rules while majority languish in tartars and obscurity.

He noted that since the entry of democracy in our political sphere, there has been hug form of political malpractices and bad leadership on the citizenry of not only Liberia but the African continent as a whole.

“The systemic transformation that we need to balance our governance is far from the Weh-led administration. We can’t give perfect score card to an administration that is surrounded by sanctioned government confidants. We will never say yes to a President like George Weah who leaves his fundamental responsibility to satisfy his social ego, using taxpayers’ money to support his unexplained travel.” he noted.

Chairman Kanneh further indicated that under the leadership of President Weah Liberia lack agriculture investment, electricity and insecurity and mysterious disappearance and ritualistic death with poor healthcare delivery sector has become the companion of Liberian.

He pointed out that its very sadden that the Robert International Airport continues to remain a death trap under the leadership of President Weah due to the lack of electricity, noting that they will never salute a government of President Weah that frowns on gender sensitivity.

“A government that bastardizing the uprightness of women but yet give aliens and foreigners the privilege to insult their existence because of the crumbs government official received from them. The case of fallen Princess Cooper is an example like many other,” chairman Kanneh noted.

Commenting on the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections, he lamented that as “we gear toward the electoral process, SUP calls for a free, fair and transparent election,” adding that “the freeness of the electoral process begins with conduct of a creditable census, citizen engagement, voters’ registration and voters roll update and sensitization of the electorates on the voting guidelines.”

“We want to emphatically make it clear that Madam Davidetta Brown-Lassanah, National Election Commission chairperson is wrongfully proceeding in the management process leading to the 2023 elections.  The conflict of interest that was in the biding and the alleged internal conflict at the NEC currently. The unjustifiable postponements in the voter’s registration speak volume to the sinister intent she wants to handle next year.

However, we want to state here categorically that the NEC chairperson stop all these ugly gimmicks that got the proclivity to plunge our country into tension and focus on doing her job in a profound yet credible manner void of partisan inclination,” SUP chairman Kanneh urged.

He vowed that SUP will not settle for anything less than a free, fair, transparent and credible election process as we go to 2023.

“Finally, we will not sit silently to see Madam Brown-Lassana to lead the Liberian people into an election full of discrepancies and ill-fated practices. SUP will condone no election that is surrounded with corrupt election commissioners. SUP will give no attention to electioneering process that will not be inclusive of people in the high ways and byways, elections must be decentralized.

 SUP will resist any contaminated election with courage and lead the Liberian people into a democratic process. Liberia at this crucial point will not be abandoned by the vanguard Party,” he concluded.

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