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–Holds Awards’ Dinner At Cape Hotel Today

IPNEWS: Key Verse: Romans 13:7, “Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.” (NKJV)

The Bible directs that we should give to everyone his due, honor, respect and reverence. Paul’s teaching in Romans Chapter 13 is about being in submission to the government authorities, those that God has allowed the privilege of being in the government and it appears that the government being addressed here is the civil government but then, we can borrow from this and apply it in other areas of human relationships.

All institutions of government are ordained by God (Romans 13:1) and therefore every man is to be subject to the government authorities, because God is the Sovereign Who ordains all human governments. Consequently, whoever rebels against a government authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves (Romans 13:2). Paul writing to Titus, an early Christian missionary and church leader, a companion and disciple of Paul the Apostle, instructed him to admonish the brethren to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient and to be ready to do whatever is good (Titus 3:1).

Jesus established the fact that government authorities should be submitted to and obeyed by its citizens. A good example is when the Pharisees, Chief Priests and the Scribes wanted to entrap Jesus so that they will deliver Him to the Roman Government for punishment and they sent spies to ask Jesus a politically-motivated question, as recorded in Luke 20:22, “Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?” At that time paying taxes to the Roman Government was a politically- controversial issue. Rome was an enemy state that was occupying Israel by force, not by the will of the people. A few years earlier in A.D. 6-10, a rebel named Judas (not Jesus disciple) led a revolt against Rome and called anyone who paid taxes to Rome a “coward” because he argued that God alone was the ruler of Israel and urged that no taxes should be paid to the Roman Government. Jesus answered and said unto them, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God” (Luke 20:25).

If someone is to have an honor of being addressed as a father in the Lord, such one must show evidence of his fatherhood. It is not enough to answer father in the Lord without anything to show and nothing to underscore the fact that this person is not just a physical father but a spiritual father. A spiritual father in the Lord is someone who first of all has given his life to Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul writing to the Corinthian church reminded them that he begat them through the Gospel and God had blessed him with the privilege of being their father in the Lord (1 Corinthians 4:15). Paul told the Corinthian brethren, “Are you yourselves not my workmanship in the Lord?” (1 Corinthians 9:1)

Whatever process is followed to choose human rulers, they are ultimately placed in their positions by God. That goes for the vilest of them as well as the most virtuous. The prophet Daniel made that very clear, “He God removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:21). And God Himself reinforced the same truth to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon: “…the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, Gives it to whomever He will, And sets over it the lowest of men” (Daniel 4:17). There is no question about it, the powers that be are ordained of God.

Independent Probe Bestows Honors on Personalities ‘2022

The authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, Probe TV and Probe Online Platform, subsidiary of MOLIXIUM VENTURES INC, having observed, written and published articles regarding activities of the works of government officials, including Legislators, Ministers, Public Corporation Heads, Integrity Institutions, Autonomous Agencies; as well as Private, Business, Educational, Health Sectors, Security Institutions, Diplomats, Sporting Institutions among others came out with a list of 17 honorees as Personalities of the Year 2022.

Choosing those who honors are being bestowed on today by the Independent Probe Newspaper, Probe TV and Probe Online Platform, was a painstaking activity that involved weeks of heated debates among members of the Editorial Team, headed by prolific Liberian journalist, Editor-in-Chief Siebo Williams, assisted by veteran broadcast journalist and Vision Editor, David N. Targbe, and with the professional and managerial support of Publisher Alaskai Moore Johnson and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chester Allen Smith.

In as much as there have been mixed reactions regarding performances of those in the public sector, as well as some in the private and business sectors, there were individuals who despite the challenges rose above all obstacles and carried out their respective duties with diligence, commitment, dedication, honesty, and the desire to grow their respective institutions to higher heights.

The Bible directs that we should give to everyone his due, honor, respect and reverence. Paul’s teaching in Romans Chapter 13 is about being in submission to the government authorities, those that God has allowed the privilege of being in the government…

And what does the Bible say about giving honor to others? The Bible clearly says we are to honor everyone (1 Peter 2:17) and not just those we “feel” deserved to be honored. For example, whether we had fantastic parents or not so fantastic ones, we are told to honor them (Exodus 20:12). We are also told to honor those in authority (Romans 13:1-7).

Therefore, the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, Probe TV and Probe Online Platform after due diligence and scrutiny of the performances of prominent personalities in the Liberian society, the Editorial Team derived at the names of individuals with upright characters in government, public sector, business community, education and health sectors, who earned their honors through their respective hard works to society, humanity and mankind.

In this light, it is with profound and pleasing honor to present the Independent Probe Newspaper, Probe TV and Online Platform’s ‘PERSONALITIES OF THE YEAR 2022’. It is the Institution’s resolution that these prominent personalities diligently worked hard during the year 2022 and deserved to be given their flowers and honors while yet alive, as the old Books say.

Their respective recognitions will go down in history for they will be remembered by generations unborn through the annals of history books and publications for their respective and remarkable services to Liberia during the year 2022.

Meanwhile, the Awards Dinner for IPNEWS ‘2022 Personalities of the Year takes place today, Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at the Cape Hotel in Mamba Point at 6pm. At the program these distinguished personalities will be given their flowers for jobs well done, either as a public servant, business entrepreneurs, diplomat, humanitarian, politician, educator, health practitioner, medical institution, among others.

The CEO of Molixium Ventures, Inc., publishers of the Independent Probe, Prove TV and Probe Online Platform, Mr. Chester Allen Smith looks forward to a wonderful awards night at the Cape Hotel, as the entity bestows honor to whom honors are due.

Meet The IPNEWS Personalities of the Year 2022

Public Sector:

CLLR. J. FONATI KOFFA – Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and Representative of Grand Kru County Electoral District #3 has been selected by The Independent Probe Newspaper as ‘LEGISLATOR OF THE YEAR 2022’

This honor has been bestowed on Deputy House Speaker Koffa for his many engagements with the Power-That-Be despite him being an hierarchy member, to ensure adherence to the Rule of Law, Civil Order, and the Sustenance of the National Development Agenda of Liberia, especially as a lone and chief voice in the Legislature to become the Champion in the fight against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Also, even though the Deputy Speaker as a member of the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), he has publicly spoken against some of the alleged unwholesome practices that were and are attributed to the ruling establishment. One of those things that Deputy Speaker Koffa publicly voiced out against was the purported plan protest against United States Ambassador to Liberia, Michael A. McCarthy, by some purported members of the ruling party.

With pride and fortitude, The Independent Probe Newspaper family presents its sincere gratitude for his selection.

EMMA METIEH-GLASSCO – Director General National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) has been selected by The Independent Probe Newspaper as ‘PUBLIC SERVANT OF THE YEAR 2022’.

This honor is bestowed on Ms. Glassco for the reforms brought at NaFAA, including the attraction of donors’ supports, provision of boat engines and nylon fishing nets for local fishermen along the coastal belt of Liberia with the intent to avoid the pollution and destruction of marine lives, registering and licensing fishermen and forming cooperatives, all intended to generate more government revenue for the better of the country.

As Director General and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NaFAA, who is charged with the mandate as enshrined in the Act establishing the Authority to regulate all fisheries and fisheries related activities, inclusive of Aquaculture within the Republic of Liberia, she has been able to maximize revenue generation by enabling an increased contribution to the National budget of the Republic of Liberia; as well as established and strengthened relations with international bodies that have attracted potential investments for the development of the fisheries sector.

Born as a native of the oldest independent Republic in Africa, Liberia, Mrs. Emma Metieh-Glassco is an achieved young Ocean Governance Expert with wealth of experience (over eight years) and knowledge in both fisheries and maritime sectors. She obtained her Master of Science (MSc) in Maritime Affairs with emphasis in Ocean Sustainability Governance and Management from the World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmo, Sweden, where she extensively covered the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and other related maritime course modules such as International Maritime law and Policy, Multilateral Diplomacy and Negotiations etc. She also obtained a diploma in Ocean Governance and Sustainable Fisheries Management in Australia from the Australia National University (ANU). At ANU she was afforded an opportunity to visit Rhodes University in Mauritius, East Africa, where she participated in a training on Sustainable Fisheries Management. It is out of these professional trainings Ms. Glassco has elevated NaFAA to an enviable institution that Liberia can be proud of today, thus her recognition is imbued in deliverance.

It is with profound gratitude The Independent Probe Newspaper family presents its sincere gratitude for her selection.

MARY T. BROH – Director General: General Services Agency (GSA) has been selected by The Independent Probe Newspaper as ‘PUBLIC SERVANT OF THE YEAR 2022’.

Madam Broh is a well-known public servant who has left indelible marks to every public entity she was given a task to undertake. Her records at the Monrovia City Mayor, National Port Authority, the Bureau of Vital Statistics, the Passport Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Services Agency, and Special Presidential Taskforces.

In 2022, she was given the task to lend support to Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) under the watchful eyes of Mayor Jefferson Koijee by being named on a Special Presidential Taskforce to clean the City of Monrovia and its environs. True to her dedicatory spirit, she performed the task with distinction. She is also heads the Special Taskforce of Illegal Electricity connection, which is current carrying out in various communities to clamp down on power theft. Madam Broh’s immense public contribution is remarkable which has become a trademark for any future public service.

It is with profound honor, The Independent Probe Newspaper family presents its sincere gratitude for her selection.

CLLR. EDWIN KLA MARTINS – Executive Chairperson: Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) has been named by The Independent Probe Newspaper as ‘ANTI-CORRUPTION ACTIVIST OF THE YEAR 2022’.

This honor is indicative of his many engagements to ensure adherence to the rule of law, especially his relentless fight against corruption in post-war Liberia. Cllr. Martin’s stance against the corruption menace led to other decisions including attempts to quash the LACC due to his tough stance in pursuing corrupt government officials, but his resistance and continuous stance legally became evident by the recent Supreme Court ruling to uphold his petition.

Cllr. Martin and the LACC in 2022 have been very robust in the fight against corruption as it indicted several government ministries and agencies officials for corrupt practices and forwarded their files to the Ministry of Justice for prosecution.

Under the leadership of Cllr. the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission in collaboration with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission of Nigeria (EFCC) and the Anti-Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone with support from the African Development Bank held training in Financial Crimes investigation and Corruption Risk Assessment for their stakeholders in the fight against corruption. The LACC has collaborated with other international partners, and to an extent the LACC was named as Vice President in a regional anti-graft body.

It is with profound humility; The Independent Probe Newspaper family presents its sincere gratitude for Cllr. Edwin Kla Martin for his selection.


This honor is indicative of his/Liberia Football Association (LFA) continuous reforms within the Liberia Football Association, especially the development of youth football across the country without political alignment. Also, IPNEWS acknowledges President Raji / LFA’s developmental style of leadership, especially the completion of the headquarters of the Liberia Football Association in Oldest Congo Town, among others.

The IPNEWS honors Mr. Raji and the LFA for the following:

  • Youth Development – establishment (U15, U17, U20 teams) all have participated in: Youth 15 League for boys and girls
  • High school Tournament for primary schools
  • Decentralization of football ⚽ – active Sub associations and 3rd division Leagues in the entire 15 counties…
  • Sponsorship subvention to participating – Cubs – First Division clubs, Second Division clubs and Woman football clubs
  • 4 Human resources development
  • Benedict Yarsiah trained by FIFA legal committee.
  • LFA DSG Johnson Bonnah participated in FIFA integrity workshop.
  • Five Local Coaches development:
  • Famatta Dean, Robert Lartey, Adi Abra Fofana attended TOT for workshop in Senegal.
  • Annual Coaches refresher course
  • Coaches Graduated from YMCA computer 🖥️ training program.
  • Women football development
  • U17, U20 and senior National teams.
  • Lower division League
  • Involvement of Women as match commissioner
  • For the first time more women showing interest in serving as match officials.
  • First Liberian female to get FIFA badges.
  • Ex women national team players included in the various female National team technical staff team.
  • Six infrastructure development: ongoing 85%.
  • Mini Stadium SKD practice pitch
  • Mini Stadium Tusa sports pitch
  • Mini Stadium Doris Williams Stadium
  • Ongoing construction of the LFA Headquarters
  • First Time for LFA to have a full award ceremony
  • MVP winning Cars and others Cash prices
  • League winners receive full payment of cash prices
  • Football in Schools: Primary League, University Tournament
  • 10 Referee Development
  • Increment of match officials game indemnities.
  • Annual refresher course for both Junior and senior referees
  • More females’ inclusion in refereeing since 1936, over 11 females currently officiating in various male and female divisions.
  • 22 Junior and senior referees graduated from the YMCA computer training program.
  • Purchased Buses for various national teams from FIFA Forward 2.0 subvention.
  • Employees’ monthly salaries been regularly then previous leadership.

It with great pride and fortitude, IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude for him and his institution selection.

HON. UPJIT SINGH SACHDEVA (JEETY): Former Honorary Consul General of India,

CEO of the  Jeety Conglomerate, including Jeety Trading Corporation (JTC) & Jeety Rubber Liberia Limited, etc, has been selected by The Independent Probe Newspaper as ‘HUMANITARIAN/PHILANTHROPIST OF THE YEAR 2022’

This honor is indicative of his many years of humanitarian service and for the last several years involved in humanitarian ventures throughout Liberia. His charity of feeding hundreds of thousands of young men, women, old folks, children, physically-challenged, including the visually impaired, with hot, cooked meals, including his humanitarian gestures to national prison facilities to provide hot cooked meals to the inmates within those prison facilities; the provision of daily feeding for the patients at various health facilities including the COVID-19 Star Base treatment Center is remarkable and has not gone unnoticed.

H.E. AMBASSADOR MICHAEL A. MCCARTHY – United States Ambassador to Liberia has been selected by The Independent Probe Newspaper as ‘DIPLOMAT OF THE YEAR 2022’.

Amb. McCarthy is honored for his continuous strong voice in the sustenance of Democracy in Liberia, especially with some decisions taken in the interest of Liberia.

Also, IPNEWS acknowledges his stance in helping to fight and stamp out rampant corruption in Liberia, which has led some misguided individuals to attack his person; the continuous support of the American Government to the people of Liberia, including tremendous support of the revitalization of electricity supply; support to the maintenance of Rule of Law, Elections, among many others.

It is with pride and dignity, IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude for his selection.

HON. SIMEON FREEMAN – Political Leader, Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) has been selected by The Independent Probe Newspaper as ‘ECONOMIC REFORMIST & MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER OF THE YEAR 2022’.

IPNEWS bestows this honor for his continuous strong voice in the sustenance of Democracy in Liberia, through influential motivational speaking gear towards buying Liberians from poverty for national development.

Mr. Freeman is noted for motivating Liberians to push harder in business and other ventures, as that will make them entrepreneurs and self-sufficient; as he always urges national government to cut wasteful spending and redirect the funds to meaning sectors, including agriculture, where monies can be put into setting up of cooperatives that will be supplied by machinery companies to beef up mechanize farming which Liberian needs at the moment.

The MPC political leader is being honored for his profound economic reform methodology to the powers-that-be, with the aim to helping to take his people out of poverty and become middle class citizens.

It is with pride and fortitude, IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude for your selection.

HON. ALEXANDER BENEDICT CUMMINGS – Standard bearer & Political Leader, Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) and political leader Alternative National Congress (ANC) has been selected ‘POLITICIAN OF THE YEAR 2022.’

This honor is indicative of Mr. Cummings’ continuous active participation in the body politics, especially sustaining the opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), after the breakaway of the former CPP composition.

Also, IPNEWS acknowledges his maturity in leading the opposition that inasmuch as he criticizes when things are wrong, yet he does not play a blind eye to good things that happen within the government circle. For example, his recent congratulatory message to the son of President George Weah, when he featured on the USA’s Men’s Football Team at the FIFA World Cup ‘2022 held in Qatar recently.

Mr. Cummings is being honored by IPNEWS for always providing tangible solutions to problems that engulf Liberia under President George Weah’s administration. He is never shy to speak the truth to the Government when things are off balance, and will even go further to offer solutions to a given problem that government may be facing.

As IPNEWS’ ‘Politician of the Year 2022, the CPP standard bearer since springing on Liberia’s political landscape 18 months to the 2017 presidential and legislative elections, has remained engaged with Liberians in every nuke and crony of the country, unlike others who after being defeated in a given election will go back abroad to stay there and only come back with just few months to election and would ask Liberians to vote for them. Mr. Cummings has remained on the grounds carrying out projects for the needy through the Cummings Africa Foundation, he has toured the 15 political sub-divisions of the country sensitizing them about the need for Liberians to do the needful for their country, if they want to development and grow.

It is with pride and fortitude, IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude for his selection.


Under the dynamic leadership of the Chief of Staff, Major General Prince C. Johnson, III,

The Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) has been selected as ‘PATRIOTS OF THE YEAR 2022’.

This honor is indicative of the Forces’ professional and admirable services provided on various international peacekeeping missions, its fortitude in withstanding some of the toughest of times yet, still loyal to the State.

IPNEWS acknowledges recent praises by the UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix in thanking Liberia for its strong support of United Nations Peacekeeping and for the service and sacrifice of its military and police personnel deployed under the UN flag.

Today, Liberia provides 172 uniformed personnel, including 19 women, to UN Peacekeeping making it the 60th largest contributor among all UN Member States.

Under the gaze of the Chief of Staff of the AFL, Major General Prince C. Johnson, III., the AFL as a ‘Force for Good’ has never relented to instill discipline to its members as enshrined its doctrine, as during the course of 2022 and in years past, the AFL has never waver to punish its personal who comes into conflict with the law, thus instilling discipline through the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UMCJ).

The AFL has been lauded by Liberians for being pace-setter for other security institutions to emulate in keeping the positive image of Liberia, thus IPNEWS is proud to present its sincere gratitude to the AFL for its selection.

ArcelorMittal Liberiahas been selected as CONCESSION OF THE YEAR, 2022

This honor is indicative of ArcelorMittal’s unwavering desire to improve Liberia’s extractive industry thereby raising the living standards of its people through well-paid jobs and learning opportunities by insisting to invest over 800 Million into expanding the ArcelorMittal concession in Liberia.

Also, IPNEWS acknowledges that ArcelorMittal has been one of the outstanding Concessions at an all-time high in keeping Liberia’s economy afloat, against the odds of ratifying the third Mineral Development Agreement (MDA). Also ArcelorMittal is recognized for being the top tax-paying concession in Liberia evidenced with its recent certification by the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA)

Certainly, AML’s good business partnership with the Liberian Media and still honoring its Social Corporate responsibilities in its concessional areas remain remarkable.

It is with pride and fortitude, that IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude to ArcelorMittal for its selection.


This honor is indicative of the Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL), the only Liberia private security firm that provides premiere security services for Aviation, Concession, stadium surveillance, and private security services, among others.

Also, IPNEWS acknowledges SEGAL many breakthroughs amidst a challenging economy, including putting smiles on the faces of children when Papa and Mama come home monthly. SEGAL is recognized for being the highest employer of over 3,000 Liberians into its Service to provide top-notch security guard services to several institutions throughout Liberia.

It is with pride and fortitude, that IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude to Hon. Cyrus and is institution for their selection.


This honor is indicative of NAYMOTE’s continuous struggle for a Liberian grassroots promotion of democracy, peacebuilding, human rights, and civic obligation.

Also, IPNEWS acknowledges NAYMOTE honest work and leadership role in developing young minds for leadership in Liberia and the sub-region.

It is with pride that IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude to his organization for selection.


This honor is indicative of its continuous service to Liberia, especially in providing enabling environment to access cash flow for ordinary people particularly in rural parts through ECOBANK expansion Policy across Liberia.

Also, IPNEWS acknowledges its diligence in fighting fraud at ECOBANK over the last five years.

It is with pride and fortitude, that IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude to the bank for its selection.

ROMELLE HORTON – President, Cuttington University, has been selected as ‘EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR 2022’.

This honor is bestowed for her continuous service to Liberia, especially rebranding one of Africa’s prestigious higher learning institutions, Cuttington University (CU).

Dr. Horton, her strong advocacy for better education, gender equality, and elevating refugee issues is remarkable. Yes, IPNEWS recounts your achievement as the first female President, of Cuttington University in Liberia, and other academic achievements to include Summa Cum Laude (Valedictorian), with a degree in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from Voorhees College, a private Episcopal College in Denmark, South Carolina. Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Leadership (Education Management) from the University of Botswana before being called to serve your native country (Liberia) as Deputy Minister for Instruction at the Ministry of Education, Republic of Liberia.

IPNEWS acknowledges other academic excellence such as Chief Government Nominee for the West African Examination Council (WAEC), Liberia, Vice-Chairperson of WAEC, International, Vice President for Academic Support Services at AME University and African Women Academics in Research & Development (AWARD) Fellow. A competent, dynamic, and progressive Liberian professional, working to transform, impact and inspire the native land through education.

It is with pride and fortitude, that IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude for her selection.


This honor is indicative of SWAT’s continuous service to Liberia, especially in providing Liberia’s staple – rice, especially in averting a major crisis that had already brewed and was just about to explode out of proportion in September -October 2022.

At the height of the rice crisis during the period under review, SWAT quickly brought in consignments of rice that averted the already deadly situation that Liberians faced, and has since been very constant in providing rice on the Liberian market.

It is therefore with pride and fortitude, that IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude to SWAT for its selection.


This honor is bestowed on Lucky Pharmacy because of its continuous service to Liberia, especially for consistency in the provision of standardized medical drugs, and other pharmaceutical products on the Liberian market, including access to affordable medication in 12 out of the 15 counties of Liberia.

It is with pride and fortitude, that IPNEWS presents its sincere gratitude to the Pharmacy for its selection.

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