

IPNEWS: The Bible directs that we should give to everyone his due, honor, respect and reverence. Paul, in his letter to the Romans and to Christendom at large, as recorded in Romans Chapter 13 vs 7, Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor, clearly shows to everyone, whether atheists, agnostics and or believers that honor should be given to whom it is due.

It is this Bible verse that we at the Independent Probe Newspaper and Probe TV have manifested here, by giving honor to personalities in both the public and private sectors for working diligently in service to our nation and people during the year in review.

Our honorees’ selection was squarely done on the merit system. They did not receive our awards on a silver platter.

Choosing them from many others was not an easy task for our editorial staff.

Their nominations were fiercely debated from all perspectives before coming up with the final list of personalities to whom honor is due.

Their services to humanity and the reforms they have introduced at their respective institutions and organizations speak for them.

Yes, others have similarly worked harder and provided services that made positive impacts on society during the year, but our honorees were exceptional.

As it is often said, whatever task you have chosen or given to perform, perform it to the best of your ability because you do not know, who is watching. Christians and those who believe in the Bible are also urged in Ecclesiastes chapter 9 vs 10 that, “ Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”

IPNEWS being a member of the watchdogs of the society, we were watching every step and action of our honorees throughout the year without any of one of them knowing or noticing that we were and are still watching.

As we honor them for their hard work and services to our nation and people, we encourage others to emulate their good examples and use their achievements as a source of inspiration to work harder than ever before in service to our nation and people.

To our honorees, do not be complacent. Let these awards further motivate you to work even harder than ever before because we will continue to keep our eyes and ears on you and others in the coming New Year, 2023.

The harder you and everyone else works, the better society gets, and the lives of the citizenry will improve.

Thank you and Congratulations!!

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