UL College of Health Sciences Award Ideation Course Certificates


UL College of Health Sciences Award Ideation Course Certificates

IPNEWS: The University of Liberia through the College of Health Sciences and the Center for Teaching, Learning Research (HEALR) under it innovation program: Health Entrepreneurs on Monday ended a Three-month ideation course, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded BRIDGE-U, ran from October 3 to December 12, 2022, was intended to assist aspiring entrepreneurs to develop innovative solutions to health problems/challenges in Liberia.

The course was geared to expose participants to strategic approaches to identifying, researching, and developing solution-oriented ideas as an entrepreneur. Participants will gain knowledge, practical skills, and attitudes essential in building good leadership for operating a successful enterprise.

Among other things, the program provided suitable and conducive environment for participants to exchange ideas, share experiences and engage in peer-to-peer learning.

Speaking at the certification program, the keynote speaker at the occasion, Dr. Nicole Cooper lauded participants for their sacrifices and urged them to remain impactful entrepreneurs in their long-long duties.

By this, Dr. Cooper, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Medical Director of Wellness Partners and Clinic, charged the participants to never forget their first goal or responsibility, which is to improve healthcare services.

Dr. Cooper, also Chairperson of the Healthcare Federation of Liberia, to design their strategy and system always in a way that will impact society.

“I want to first begin by thanking BRIDGE-U for this, and also remind you that you are all impact entrepreneurs because you would have meaningful impact on society. Never forget that your first goal is to improve health. It is important that we talk about this, and talk about this as it relates directly to Goal #3 of the Sustainable Development Goals; that which is to improve health for all,” stated Dr. Cooper.

“Let us always remember along the line that health also means oral well-being though technically you are not sick. The goal of health is to prevent sickness and this why we normally say health is not the absence of sickness. This is a social impact business that you have signed onto and always take to the back of your minds that our first goal is not to maximize profit,” she furthered.

“Also, you need to know your customers and beneficiaries you must always keep that relationship with them. It is important to know so that you will be able to serve them at the same time and in a diligent manner. It becomes easy when your beneficiaries are your customers. By this, you need to think differently if you are to perform,” Dr. Cooper told the gathering amid cheers from the audience.

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