AFL Pilot Alleges Abandonment and Cancellation of Studies in US, But Defense Ministry Refutes Claims

Diaspora News

AFL Pilot Alleges Abandonment and Cancellation of Studies in US, But Defense Ministry Refutes Claims

IPNEWS: One of Liberia’s recognized two pilots, Varney A. Sirleaf, has written and complained to President George M. Weah – Commander In Chief of the AFL – about his abandonment by the Leadership of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) in the United States.

In a letter written on December 13, 2022 and addressed to President Weah, Captain Sirleaf lamented that he enrolled at a Flight School (self-sponsored) in the US. He explained that it was agreed by the Leadership of the AFL and the Ministry of National Defense that he would later receive refund and thereafter, they would take over sponsorship of his training but has since, reneged on their promise.

He furthered that frustratingly due to their abandonment, the school has finally terminated his status and requested for his immediate exit from the United States.

“After exhausting all means and channels of communication through my chain of command, including direct communication with the Chief of Staff, the school has finally terminated my status and requested my immediate exit from the United States, Mr. President….” the AFL pilot said in his letter to CIC George Weah.

But in reaction to his letter and claims, the Assistant Minister of Defense for Press and Public Affairs, Sam K. Collins has refuted pilot Sirleaf claims as contained in his letter.

According to Minister Collins, “He went on a private study but the Ministry was just helping him, we got him ticket for his trip to Nigeria to do medical and pay for his pilot license, we later got him ticket for the USA and was instrumental in making sure he got his visa for the USA. Our expenses on the soldier is more than 10k. We stopped helping him on grounds that he should provide us with progress report. That is where we are.”

Minister Collins said it was unfortunate that the soldier had to mislead the public but failed to give reason why the Ministry of National Defense refused to continue its assistance to him despite being on a private basis.

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