Ahead of 2023 Elections: Uncertainties Cloud CDC Second Term Bid; As crack Deepens


Ahead of 2023 Elections: Uncertainties Cloud CDC Second Term Bid; As crack Deepens

IPNEWS: On Saturday, the 12th of November 2022, the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) announced its dollar and due payment Rally at its Headquarters in Congo Town ahead of the 2023 presidential and legislative elections, promising to hold ‘one million men march’ for the second term bid of President George Manneh Weah.

According to CDC National Chairman, Mulbah Morlu, the Dollar and Due Payment Rally was intended to raise the needed funds for the pending 2023 presidential and legislative elections, which will see the ruling party put forth for re-election their standard bearer and political leader, incumbent President George Weah.

He stated that each CDC, who said are about a million plus, will be required to donate US$1.00 to the re-election bid of the President, while dues-paying members and officials are also encouraged to live up to their obligations to the party ahead of the 2023 elections.

Morlu said one million Liberians would gather to nominate for his re-election bid President George Weah at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex for what termed “his numerous contributions over the past five years.”

He promised to repeat the events of 2017/2018, when the less fortunate Liberians including members of the party used their own resources to elect President Weah and will use them again due to conviction that President Weah has laid the developmental foundations of Liberia, expressing that “to whom much is given much is required”.

The CDC Chairman, and House Speaker,  Dr. Bhofal Chambers kicked the ball rolling by paying their dues of US$5,000 (Five Thousand United States Dollars), US$15, 000 respectively.

Now, it looks like the pronouncement to hold its ‘one million men march’ for the second term bid of President George Manneh Weah, is far from reality, as the  Coalition for Democratic Change CDC, Executive Committee has postponed its much-publicized planned mass political gathering scheduled for December 20 to February 4 2023.

The party at a press conference stated that its decision is based on a request made by President George Manneh Weah, contained in a letter addressed to the Executive Committee to have the planned rallies postponed in order to give citizens and partisans time to celebrate the festive season.

“Let me encourage all of our partisans, to continue mobilization efforts in your various districts ahead of the new scheduled date for the One million men march.” Mulbah Morlu exclaimed.

Amidst the abrupt postponement of the much-publicized planned mass political gathering scheduled for December 20 to February 4, 2023, uncertainties remain high among CDC partisans Friday, following the emergency press conference.

Some spoken to IPNEWS vented their angle that there is still more that needs to be said over why their standard bearer and political leader, called for the postponement of the rallies given the heavy preparation by the opposition CPP of Alexander B. Cummings, and the former ruling Unity Party, towards the 2023 Elections.

The CDC Partisans speculated that President George Manneh Weah calls for the postponement to ‘give citizens and partisans time to celebrate the festive season’, is trickled by the recent election of CDC Party officials without the presence of their standard bearer, President Weah.

“We have fought and maintained this party-the mighty CDC and will not allow someone who thinks he is the President’s friend or brother who does not have the confidence of the CDC partisans to chair this party. If the president like, let him hold a new convention and we will still elect the same people we elected last month.” A founding member of the CDC told IPNEWS.

It may be recalled, the Executive Committee of the Congress for Democratic Change held its 7th National Congress, in Monrovia.

What political observers call a ‘secret convention’, saw the election of incumbent Mulbah K. Morlu retained as chairman, while Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee as the party’s new Secretary General; Deputy Finance Minister Samora P. Z. Wolokollie as Vice Chair for Finance and Investment, Montserrado County Electoral District #5 Representative Thomas Fallah, as Vice Chair for Operations; Assistant Gender Minister Mamasee Karbah, Assistant Secretary-General for Press and Propaganda, and Gender Minister Willimina Piso Saydee Tarr, Vice Chair for Political Affairs, amongst others.

1 thought on “Ahead of 2023 Elections: Uncertainties Cloud CDC Second Term Bid; As crack Deepens”

  1. Let it be made cleared that the time for ordinary CDCians to use their meager resources in order to make George Weah President is over. Weah has failed to meet the needs of the ordinary people that voted him in power; instead, he has enriched himself and his few friends leaving behind the poor people that had trust he would have changed their lives.

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