Former NPA MD Matilda Parker & Others Set Free

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Former NPA MD Matilda Parker & Others Set Free

By: Jacqueline L. Dennis

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The former Managing Director of the National Port Authority, Matilda Parker, along with her comptroller Christiana Parlay and Mr. Deneah M. Flomo were recently set free recently by the Criminal Court “C”.

Judge Blamo Dixon, recently quashed the defendants’ motion and dismissed the case with prejudice against the state. Indicating that the defendants are acquitted, discharged and set free from further answering to the charges levied against them, pointing out that the criminal appearance bond of the defendants “is here by returned to them”.

“The clerk of the court is hereby order to issue clearance in favor of the said respondent/defendant without any further delayed and to restored all right and privilege,” the Judge ordered.

It can be recalled that the former Managing Director of the National Port Authority, Matilda Parker along with her comptroller Christiana Kpabar Paelay, and the Denmark enterprise a sole proprietorship operating within Liberia through its chief executive officer Mr. Deneah M. Flomo were indicated for alleged commission of the crime Economic Sabotage, Theft of Property and Criminal Conspiracy on July 20, 2015 during the administration of former president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Since then the case has been pending before the First Judicial Circuit Court “C” for Montserrado County.

In Judge Dixon final judgment recently, he said the Republic of Liberia filed a motion to nollie prosequa the case on November 10, 2022, the said motion contained three counts with a prayer that same be granted and the case be dismissed, indicating that the motion was signed by Cllr. Wesseh A. Wesseh Assistant Minister of Justice for Litigation.

According to him, in conclusion sections 18.1 of the criminal procedure law of Liberia states that, “the prosecuting  attorneys may by leave of court file a dismissal of an indictment, or complain  of a court contained therein as to either all or some of the defendants, the prosecution shall there upon terminate to the extent incident in the dismissal.

He said the statute quoted is clear and distinct to the extent that it is the prerogative of the court to decide whether or not the case should be dismissed with or without prejudice and not the prosecuting attorneys.

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