Taylor Union SG terms $US100 corruption scandal Bogus

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Taylor Union SG terms $US100 corruption scandal Bogus

IPNEWS: The Suspended Secretary General of the Liberia National Taylor, Textile, Garment and Allied Works Union (LNTTGAWU) Mr. Seku Jusu Rennie has termed his suspension by the Board of Directors of the Institution as completely bogus, and illegal.

” I came here purposely to debunk a few lies and deception, misleading information surrounding my person from the Board of Directors of the Taylor Union that I was involved in the misappropriation of One though United States Dollars of which they have suspended me. It’s a big lie, false and misleading because at no point in time did I ever got involved in such” Mr. Rennie stated.

According to him, the process leading to his suspension is illegal because it has no constitutional backing and legal standing, rather it was done to tarnish his high-earned character.

Addressing a major press conference at the weekend in Monrovia, Mr. Rennie said that he was suspended without due process and any preliminary investigation to justify the alleged corruption scandal that they have brought against him.

” My suspension is bogus, illegal, and has no constitutional backing. Our constitution Article 17 “J” provides that an accord committee should be set up before any suspension. More to that, I was never given due process because talking about the preliminary investigation to justify the suspension” he noted.

Mr. Rennie however, challenge the Board of Directors of the institution to provide any record that he was part of the one thousand United States Dollars Corruption scandal brought against him.

The Board of Directors of the LNTTGAWU on November 23, 2022, suspended Mr. Edison Carlon, President of the Institution, and Mr. Suku Jusu Rennie, Secretary General for alleged corruption and misappropriation of One Thousand United States dollars.

The Board said that the decision was reached after a conclusion of two consultative board meetings to suspend the two pending final conventions.

However, the board also mandated the two suspended officials to refund the alleged funds and immediately turn over all properties and documents belonging to the institution at the end of November.

But Mr. Rennie during his press conference described the board as jokers, terming the suspension as an organized plot against his personality to tarnish his.

” I did not part in any eating of money nor my boss. However, I challenge them to bring any record if they have to show that he receives money and ate it. I will resign from my post if that is proven. I have all my records from the start of our administration to the current” He stated.

Commenting on the alleged one Thousand United States dollars misappropriated funds, he lamented that the fund was given to them from the nose masks contract they did for the government of Liberia during the heat of COVID-19.

Mr. Rennie disclosed that when they got the money, they decided and agree to buy 52 tailoring machines for the institution in order to empower the institution for future work.

He pointed out that after a period, the Board came together and decided to sell the machine they bought on grounds that the institution was stranded.

” I advise them that since we are stranded we should contribute individually instead of sailing the machine but the Board did accept my subjection. They sold the machine and it came up to one thousand dollars.

They brought the money forward and appropriated how to spend it. I was at the table but didn’t receive any of the money rather I witness it. I challenge them again to show proof that I partake in that money” he pointed.

Mr. Rennie says that since their inception, this is the fourth suspension against them, noting that they have been suspended three times but were restored to duty after an investigation by the Labor Congress and the Ministry of Labor.

Meanwhile, he vowed to take the matter to the Ministry of Labor and the Liberia Labor Congress for investigation and prob so as to enable the truth


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