‘WE COMING OUTSIDE DEC. 17’–Says Team Cummings’ Chair, Lewis Brown


‘WE COMING OUTSIDE DEC. 17’–Says Team Cummings’ Chair, Lewis Brown

For Peaceful ‘Political Rally’ against Hardship & Suffering

By Taisiah K. Merfee

IPNEWS: Ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections, the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) has pronounced that it will on December 17, 2,022 in Monrovia hold a Political Rally to inform the government of ex-football icon, President George Weah, about the sufferings the Liberian people are going through under the regime of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) regime.

Speaking at a news conference Thursday, December 1, 2,022 at the CPP head office in Monrovia, the Chairman of Team Cummings, Mr. Lewis G. Brown said it is time that they tell the government of Liberia that the people are suffering.

Mr. Brown lamented, sadly President Weah and some of his officials are enjoying how the country is being run where citizens go to bed very hungry, no jobs for people who graduate from university while the President and his “boys” are enjoyitaxpayers’rs’ monies.

According to him, few weeks ago in a town in Nimba County, a canoe capsized taking away the life of an 18-week-old child and her mother also died in that tragic incident. That child could have become president of this country if only she was coming to live. Lewis said the President did not even send a condolence message to the people of Nimba for that sad incident.

“Our President continues to use our resources for his personal gains that is why it is time that we stand up and tell him enough is enough. Why will you leave our country as the leader in the midst of many challenges that he and his gang created and go watch a football game for almost 48 days in another country,” the Chairman of Team Cummings wondered.

Mr. Brown indicated the reason why they are planning a Peaceful Rally is to tell President Weah that the people are not happy with the level of governance under his watch and it’s time that he leaves the Liberian Presidency because 2023 the people are going to reject him.

“The unemployment and lack of jobs are unprecedented in our country under the Weah’s regime, an indication President Weah does not know how to manage the affairs of the country, but comes the 17th of December, we will put out the Liberian people from the 17 Electoral Districts in Montserrado to tell the world that Liberians are no longer stupid,” he emphasized.

Brown, who is a former Information Minister and Liberia’s Permanent Representative at the United Nations, stated that the issues of security is a major problem in Liberia and the government does not have control in protecting its people, the looming wave of death in all parts of the country are all reasons why President Weah will be rejected in 2023.

Mr. Brown added that President Weah has shown his lack of leadership ability to lead his people since he occupied the highest office of the land adding, their rally will show him that the people are tired of the sufferings that he created:

“He used our country to live expensive life why the people are dying in the various healthcare facilities that lack basic services and needed medical drugs due to his government inability to lead the people that elected him”.

“Our country is at a cross-road, nothing seems to be working, the country system that was created has been broken and the rule of law at its lowest ebb, while the Constitution is been disrespected by President Weah and his boys.

“Liberia is like an airplane flying by itself with all the mechanical devices broken, this how our country looks currently under Weah’s administration.

“December 17, we will come outside let no one put fear in us that we will feel intimidated by their streets talks. The people of Liberia need better and we are prepared to do that comes 2024.”

The Chairman of Team Cummings then disclosed that the CPP has properly informed the Government of Liberia about the planned peaceful political rally and has made advance payment of US$2,500 with a balance of US$1,000 to cover the total cost of US$3,500 charged by the Ministry of Youth and Sports to use the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Stadium outdoor facilities.

Ambassador Brown also disclosed that the CPP has written the Ministry of Justice about their action and all is on course for that day.

Meanwhile, the tough-talking former Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations then sent a message to the Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee that what he did on July 26, 2022 should not be repeated.

On July 26, 2022, during Liberia’s 175th Independence Celebration, while a group university students as well as other youth groups assembled at the premises of the United States Embassy in Monrovia to present a position statement over the appalling and harsh economic situation Liberia is faced with, a group of thugs reportedly sponsored by Mayor Koijee rained havoc and wounded the students, leaving a member of the University of Liberia based Students Unification Party (SUP) in a critical condition.

Following public outcries the government of President George Weah reluctantly charged the perpetrators to court, while the medical condition of Christopher Walter Sisulu is unknown. The case is still ongoing.

Concluding, Mr. Brown warned Major Koijee to stay clear of their planned ‘peaceful political rally’ on December 17, 2022 because the people of Liberia are not happy with the government, thus it is the right way they can approach their government and they will be very peaceful on that day.

“Our plan is to tell them that we are tired suffering and we need a new leadership in this country and the time is now that all Liberians should see this as a wakeup call to tell the government that enough is enough “.

The Team Cummings Chairman extended open invitation to all Liberians regardless of political, religious or tribal affiliation to join the CPP on December 17, 2022 to take ‘Peaceful Political Rally’ against the enormous economic hardship and sufferings Liberians are going through under the George Weah –CDC led government.

Mayor Koijee Accuses Lewis Brown of Planning Chaos on December 17

It can be recalled on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, Monrovia City Mayor and former Youth Chair of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), but in his new portfolio as Secretary General of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) accused Ambassador Lewis Brown of the opposition Alternative National Congress (ANC) of planning chaos on December 17, 2022 – few days to the Christmas Day, which is celebrated worldwide on December 25.

Koijee made the allegation at the CDC party’s headquarters in Congo Town during a press conference intended to present new officials elected from the 7th Congress of the CDC, held on November 21, 2022.

The Monrovia City Mayor told reporters that Ambassador Brown, according to his informers, allegedly held a secret meeting on Wednesday, November 30 to plan for the protest on December 17 under the captioned, “The Suffering Must End”.

He said the gathering, as planned by Brown, will not be peaceful and is allegedly intended to undermine the peace of the country. He used the occasion to warn Ambassador Brown that gone are the days when such tactics were used by Brown and his likes to cause conflict in the country.

But Mayor Koijee’s determination that the CPP’s ‘Peaceful Political Rally’ will not be peaceful as they have planned brings to mind constant public acquisition against the Monrovia City Mayor of always allegedly organizing counter protests, using thugs to always disrupt peaceful assemblies in Monrovia and other parts of the country.

According to Koijee, Liberians are not prepared anymore to go back to the dark days of conflict that brings untold suffering to the citizens. He emphasized that CDC maintained the peace of this country for 12 years while serving in the opposition, and therefore ANC should also maintain the peace as well.

Mayor Koijee informed the media that the intent of Brown’s December 17 protest is not in the interest of the country, and so it should be exposed. He stated that Brown is purporting himself as a popular person, and so he is doing everything possible to win Alexander B. Cummings’ mind.

But in reaction to Koijee’s assertion, the Team Cummings Chairman, Lewis Brown on Thursday, December 1, 2022 warned Major Koijee to stay clear of their planned ‘peaceful political rally’ on December 17, 2022 because the people of Liberia are not happy with the government, thus it is the right way they can approach their government and they will be very peaceful on that day.

“Our plan is to tell them that we are tired suffering and we need a new leadership in this country and the time is now that all Liberians should see this as a wakeup call to tell the government that enough is enough “.

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