

Isn’t it unbelievable that another whooping 365 days or 12 months are nearing an end with December entering its second day today?

This is to say, in just a twinkling of an eye, we have almost already exhausted another year, 2022, and will soon be welcoming a brand-new year, 2023.

Time does really fly; so, stop the procrastination and be focused on your goals, and do whatever you can to achieve them as planned.

As it is often said, time is our worst enemy in whatever we do. It is also said time and tide wait for no man. These statements are so true.

The year 2022 is nearing an end; have you achieved all your goals or resolutions you made at the beginning of this year? Has time caught up with you because you procrastinated or set unachievable goals, which is another form of wasting time?

A famous motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, advised that we set clear and achievable goals with timelines.

According to Rohn, there was a man that assembled all the building materials to build his house, but never build it because of procrastination.

Delay is actually dangerous because time flies. Sooner or later, we will be entering 2023, a new year when we will all again set our individual goals or make new resolutions on New Year’s Day.

But the question is, how many of the previous goals we set or resolutions we made individually on January 1, 2022, did we achieve on time as we planned? We are sure you didn’t achieve some of our goals because we procrastinated.

Time does really fly; so, let’s stop the procrastination. With this in mind, high achievers are who they are because they put a value on time and so do not let it slip away without achieving their set goals.

The secret of high achievers is they do not procrastinate. They set clear and realistic goals that they can achieve on time because they are time conscious knowing that delay or procrastination is counter-productive and stalls progress.

We will soon enter another new year. Set clear and realistic goals, each with a specific timeline. The secret of high achievers is, they set deadlines and stick to them. It is even advisable that you write down you plans or vision and that very important piece of paper or notepad right under your pillow or at a place that you can see it every morning and evening.

The reason for setting a goal timeline is that worst case, without a deadline, you’ll probably never finish or at the very least, you will drag it on longer than you expected.

With this in mind, high achievers set timelines to their goals to avoid procrastinations because as far as they do know, a timeline is like creating a small internal nagging voice, similar to the external one of a boss, who has given you a task to complete on time.

It keeps us on track with our goals, because after all, time flies and procrastination stall the progress of our set goals.

Creating a goal timeline is fairly straightforward. We can do it for all our goals, whatever they may be.

We remain on track with goals set with specific timelines. Timelines also awaken our time consciousness in terms of the accomplishment of our set goals, because time really flies. So, stop saying I will do it tomorrow; that “tomorrow” never reaches.

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