Rep. Yekeh Kokubah Takes Pres. Weah to the Streets for Immediate Return


Rep. Yekeh Kokubah Takes Pres. Weah to the Streets for Immediate Return

—- As Several Civil Society Organizations Plan Protest for Weahโ€™s Return

IPNEWS: While Liberian President George Weah is still out of the country, Representative Yekeh Kolubah , is keeping the heat on the back of the Weahโ€™s government and is now taking the anti-Weah sentiments to the communities, particularly commercial motorbikes ridders.

In another display, Montserrado County District No. 10 Lawmaker, Yekeh Kolubah led a convoy of motorbikes to major streets in corners in the Liberia capital Monrovia, calling for the immediate return of President Weah.

Ahead of the convoy of bikes was a pickup truck, mounted with loudspeakers blasting anti-government songs; while the lawmakers repeatedly announced President Weah had fled the country.

Some of the bike riders would also be heard singing and making disparaging comments about their president and his CDC Government. Some of them sang and said: โ€œThe President has run away from the country, Liberia has no president, etc.โ€

There have been public disquiets about Weahโ€™s long stay abroad, but Representative Kolubah is the first person to lead a street demonstration against the Presidentโ€™s long stay from the country.

Some onlookers were excited about Kolubahโ€™s bike protest and asked him to continue. Some vowed to join him in subsequent days. Others called the lawmaker โ€œUseless and unserious.โ€

Meanwhile, a couple of civil society groups have revealed they are also planning street protests in the coming days to demand the President return home without delay. The groups who requested not to be named indicated that their plans are in the advanced stage of being implemented.

This week, President George Weah in a leaked communication, informed the Liberian Senate of plans to return to Liberia December 18, 2022, contrary to an earlier communication to return to Liberia November 23, 2022, following his departure from Liberia on November 1, 2022.

Weah earlier requested Senate approval for 23 days to travel to France, Morocco, Egypt, Qatar, and the United States. And two weeks later, the Liberian president requested the Senate for an additional 25 daysโ€™ extension.

It was rumored, the Liberian leader carried over US$1m for the trip; even though Finance Minister Samuel Tweah denied this on a local radio but refused to say how much the Presidentโ€™s trip would cost Liberian Taxpayers.

The Liberian Presidentโ€™s long stay abroad has angered some Liberians, including Weahโ€™s own supporters who are demanding his return home. ย (Courtesy of Smart News Liberia)

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