In Bong County: Sande Bush School stalls Census for days


In Bong County: Sande Bush School stalls Census for days

IPNBEWS: The 2022 national population and Housing Census has been halted in a specific area in Bong County.

Already, the process is mired by countless controversies and challenges ranging from lack of logistics for timely deployment to reported corruption involving Finance Minister Samuel Tweh- its Board chair.

Up to the present, many of the enumerators haven’t received their transportation reimbursement and DSA after undergoing the training. Notwithstanding, they have signed up for the work across the country but field hitches.

That is, enumerators assigned in Sayewheh Town- MNG Gold’s mining base in Bong County have to stay away because they aren’t members of the ongoing bush School or sande society activity whilst enumerating.

Currently, they aren’t peacefully working. Some have been asked to stay away for three days while others have four.

Some have decided to stay away until everything settles.

“When we got in the town for the census, we never knew whether the country devil (masked men) were in the town. While sitting around 8 PM, we heard the strange sound and began to ask what was. Out of a sudden, We have to travel at night for not being initiated” they said.

“As we speak, we don’t know how it will be because we don’t want to go in the towns and we come to be initiated out of our will” the LISGIS enumerators alarmed.

It’s not clear when these enumerators will commence their work amidst mounting fear.

When contacted, Sayewheh Town chief, Rebecca Somah who refused to be tipped, confirmed of Sande’s activity in the area before census commencement.

She declined to provide further clarity while instructing reporters to visit one of the traditional heads in the area.

Madam Kennie Tokpa, who says she is the national traditional Council of Liberia’s head of dancing and cultural activity clarified that they were instructed by Chief Zanzan Kawah to immediately graduate them to enable them to be counted.

She adds that the graduation was done on November 23 in the town.

Madam Tokpa also declined to give the total arguing that it’s against them.

On forceful initiation, she replied, “we didn’t force anyone. They walked to the bush and were initiated”.

“Zanzan Kawah told us to graduate them because they need to be counted. Their time never reached, but we have to respect the government” she said.

Many of them are from different towns and villages.

Our reporter also observed the endless movement of recent graduates in their regular regalia.

Up to the present, there has been no official response from LISGIS.

Sayewheh Town is approximately 48 km away from Gbarnga, Bong’s capital.

Another traditional activity has been taking place in Boen, another town 4KM from David Dean’s town. This, another female enumerator, a non-member says she has been told not to visit the town until everything is completed.

Our verification team that visited the town gathered that the head zoes has died. Hence, there were several traditional performances that may have scared them.

The activities have lasted for the last three days with an unclear date of burial. By: J. Peter S. Dennis

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