Gender Ministry, Others Observe World Children’s Day


Gender Ministry, Others Observe World Children’s Day

IPNEWS: The Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection (MoGCSP) recognizes Monday, November 21, 2022, as World Children’s Day.

This year’s commemoration of World Children’s Day is being observed under a global theme: “Investing in Our Future Means Investing In Our Children, while Liberia will celebrate the day under a national theme: “Raising Children’s Voices To Protect the Future of Our Society,” and will resound the Government of Liberia commitment to protecting the lives and welfare of children.

The day’s observance is a global and annual event primarily led by UNICEF while the celebration is a moment of action for children, on behalf of children, and led by children.

World Children’s Day is part of global and national efforts intended to promote, advocate and celebrate the rights and the welfare of Children, giving them the opportunity to grow and discover their potential for future enhancement.

As it is recorded, the United Nations World Children’s Day was constituted in 1964 to celebrate childhood. Prior to 1959, children’s day was celebrated in the month of October but later changed to the 20th of November to mark the anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the signing of the Convention of the Rights of the Child in 1989.

Additionally, the 2022 World Children’s Day will highlight the launch of a massive public awareness campaign, discussion with stakeholders and duty bearers particularly members of the National Legislature so as to amplify the voices of the Liberian children in resounding the urgent need for the elimination of all forms of violence ( abuse, child labor, female genital mutilation (FGM), Child marriage, a child accused as witchcraft/wizard, child trafficking, sexual exploitation and discrimination against children.

The Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection uses this period to reassure its fullest commitment to the protection of children’s rights.

Meanwhile, Acting Minister of Gender, Hon. Hassan A. Karneh has iterated that the protection of children’s rights cannot be overemphasized. Min. Karneh indicated that the CDC-led Government will continue to overwhelmingly demonstrate its willingness to collaborate with local and international partners in rekindling efforts that seek to promote and protect the rights of children.

“Children’s rights are everybody’s business, and therefore, we call on every Liberian to join efforts in making sure that our children’s rights are protected. Let’s together celebrate our children,” Min. Karneh added.

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