Chief Justice Yuoh Admonishes Judges to Dispense Justice without Fear or Favor


Chief Justice Yuoh Admonishes Judges to Dispense Justice without Fear or Favor

–Says Adequate Solution Will Be Found for Issues Confronting the Judiciary

By Jacqueline L. Dennis

Responding to the Charge of Judge Blamo Dixon of Criminal Court ‘C’, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Sie-A-Nyene Yuoh on Monday, November 14, 2022 at the November Term of Court opening of the first Judicial Circuit Criminal Court ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ ‘D’ for Montserrado County urged judges and magistrates of the lower courts to dispense justice without fear or favor, cause it is the right thing to do in keeping with the rule of law.

Chief Justice Yuoh on Monday November 14, 2022 indicated that when there is or new command or a change in administration with a new person coming forth there are lot of expectations, but for judges including Justices “we have objectives and duties to the Liberia citizens and residents at large and that is to dispense justice at all cost.

She said the Yuoh’s bench, will continue to work with the trial Judges association leadership, because they are part all of the Judiciary branch of government regardless of whether they are Justices of the Supreme Court or Judges of the lower Courts, they are the Judicial Branch of Government and they want it to remain as such.

According to her, issues that trial Judges mentioned, some of which Judge Blamo Dixon stated in his Charge, they have both agreed to come out with solution and conclusion that will lead from place where all of the Judiciary will be satisfied.

Justice Yuoh cautioned Judges to resolve whatever issues they have within than coming public with issues that can be resolved internally.

She said, “Dispense Justice, come what made because we all know exactly what we stand up for and we will continue to contact them”.

She said “all of our meetings will be done in our Chambers, in our meeting rooms and for me I strongly believe that than to wash our clothes in the laundry. We will come out stronger and we will have adequate solutions to whatever issues that are facing this branch of government if we decide to resolve our issues within”

“I strongly believe that with the fact that we are going to continue to work, and one of the things we observe is that Judges worked from January to December and continue working while due to lack of relieving judges. Judges worked without being relieved, to take vacation or breaks and we are working on that”.

“The Association is fully aware on how we will pursue the increase of relieving judges for the Judicial Branch of Government, until we see Judges have proper break and vacation.”

She said the Yuoh’s bench, will work together with Judges, maintaining that it will not be like the Supreme Court against judges and judges against the Supreme Court.

Concluding Chief Justice Yuoh reiterated “Let me encourage all of you Judges here and all of the Judicial Circuit Courts that are opened all over the Republic of Liberia, we will all work together and make sure that the general public and those parties that come before us are fully enlightened that the Judicial Branch of the Government is determined to adhere to a new of law no matter what”.

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