In Bong County: Police Fire Live Bullets Amidst LISGIS Enumerator’s Payment Protest

Laws & Order

In Bong County: Police Fire Live Bullets Amidst LISGIS Enumerator’s Payment Protest

—As President Weah Dismisses LISGIS Boss, & Deputy

IPNEWS: GBARNGA, Liberia: There was a sound of gunfire early Monday morning in the provisional city of Gbarnga, Central Liberia after LISGIS Enumerators staged a massive protest demanding payments for sitting fees before writing the competency test.

They demanded a clearer understanding of their just benefits before “taking risks into the bushes”.

Many of the gathered protesters carried placards with numerous inscription: “we want our money” “we don’t want work” “we are tired of undergoing suffering”.

LISGIS Protesters sounding the main Gbranga Administrative building

Some read “No money, no test” “LISGIS must be serious” “Include our names”.

“You can’t train someone for ten days and bring another batch of people to do the same work you trained the others for, LISGIS should be an organized and responsible entity!

Since you have brought your own workers, the people you trained signed up for ten days’ training allowance, give them their money” one of the enumerators said.

“We can’t be treated like slave in our own country. The Bong County LISGIS office is the next place” they remarked.

According to them, the treatment by LISGIS is grave, wondering the successes of the country’s ‘digital census’.

LISGIS Protesters on main street of Gbarnga city

They feel, if there’s no earlier payment, the 1st November 2022 competency test is not possible if their plats aren’t timely addressed.

During the training, they told our reporter that they were promised $50 USD as feeding because LISGIS didn’t provide feeding as expected.

Since the conduct of the five (5) days of training, there has been no transfer of the money.

The enumerators have since maintained that they are still indebted based on LISGIS’ reported refusal to transfer the funds.

LISGIS Protesters

The violence according to close associates to President George Weah triggered the dismissal of the Acting Director General of the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS), Wilmot Smith, and the Deputy Director General for Statistics and Data Processing, Alex M. Williams.

According to the Executive Mansion release, the decision, the Liberian Leader said, is based on administrative reasons.

Both men are ordered to turn over all properties belonging to the institution in their possession.

Meanwhile, President Weah has designated the LISGIS Deputy Director General for Administration, Lawrence George, to act as Director General while Prof. Francis Wreh is on a leave of absence.

President George Weah

The President urges all those holding positions of public trust to act with diligence and seriousness in the discharge of their duties.

Recently, the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Service (LISGIS) maintained that “payment will be done after a post-test”.

Fast forward, the enumerators gathered at the Gbarnga administrative building and headed to the bridge that links Gbarnga.

Whilst there, the road was blocked for nearly an hour, leaving others stranded in traffic.

The fire was lit in the bridge, thus angering the police to disburse them with both tear gas and what is believed to be “live bulletins”.

Dismissed Wilmot Smith

The police have not issued a formal statement.

Our reporter was missed on two occasions while covering the protest.

The protest triggered county officials and others to leave work earlier over the fear of being harmed; although they [demonstrators] didn’t carry weapons.

Samuel Tweah, the man at the center of shielding Wilmot Smith

The 2022 digital census has been mired by several controversies thus triggering the postponement to November 22, 2022.

House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers earlier announced.

The census was scheduled for October 24 to November 7, 2022.

Meanwhile, some of the facilitators have also called on LISGIS to pay them, vowing not to administer test if they’re not paid.

According to them, there is no test until full payment.

“Since we underwent the training, LISGIS has not paid us. We are still having hotel keys due to our indebtedness. We were lodged at their facilities with the hope of getting money for settlement. We were promised our sitting fees, but we can’t get it” many of them maintained.

“We have trained the enumerators, and we’ve received anything yet. As we speak, we have no idea when we will get the money” they said.

No official of LISGIS has responded. By: J. Peter S. Dennis

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