State Prosecutors Call off Planned Boycott Action of November Term of Court

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State Prosecutors Call off Planned Boycott Action of November Term of Court

–As Minister Dean Requests Finance Ministry to Procure 22 Double-cabin Pickups

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The National Association of Prosecutors of Liberia (NAPL) has resolved to call off their planned boycott action intended to stay away from the opening of the November Term of Court which is slated for today, Monday November 14, 2022.

A communication from NAPL President, Cllr. Adolphus Karnuah it states that the State Prosecutors are changed their minds following series of meetings with the relevant authorities at the Ministry of Justice.

Last Friday, November 11, 2022, the NAPL threatened to boycott the November Term of Court, if the Liberian government through the Finance Ministry fails to uphold the promises made to them in a meeting held with members of the Association.

In a written communication addressed to Justice Minister, Cllr Frank Musa Dean, the association cited unpaid salaries and benefits that state prosecutors should receive in order to adequately carry out their functions.

Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah         Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean

But less than 72 hours later, the state prosecutors have reversed their decision.

“With the power in me vested, all Prosecutors of the Ministry of Justice are requested and admonished to return to their various jurisdictions, courts of assigned and places of assignment and resume their normal duties in line with our functions as Prosecutors,” Cllr Karnuah said.

“Consequently, the boycott of courts announced on Friday, November 11, 2022, is hereby called off as of this announcement,” the head of state prosecutors added.

The Deputy Minister of Justice for Codification and Solicitor General designate, Cllr. Nyan Tuan is said to have assured the prosecutors that they call off the strike action because all is being done to address the plight of Prosecutors as highlighted in their recent communication to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Liberia.

“However, we have warned that as we call off the boycott and go slow; our demands should be addressed within two weeks from the resumption of court sessions across Liberia on Monday,” Cllr. Karnuah explained.

State Prosecutors have informed the administration at the Justice Ministry “that failure on the part of the National Government to address our concerns, Prosecutors will resume the boycott of courts. Please take note and govern yourselves accordingly,” Cllr Karnuah asserted.

In response to IPNEWS’ inquiry over the weekend, Cllr. Karnuah reaffirmed that “as far as we are concerned, our meeting with the Attorney General on Wednesday, the only progress made was that he ordered the Ministry of Finance to procure 22 double cabin pickups for use by the Department of Prosecution. 

Besides that, nothing was achieved.  We reiterated our demands that if those demands are not met 95% or 100%; we will maintain the boycott of Courts across Liberia. 

To answer your question bluntly, yes!  We will not be at the opening of Courts across Liberia on Monday, same being the 14th day of November, A. D. 2022.”

The apparent of change of mind may have come as a result of the meeting with Deputy Minister for Codification and Solicitor General-designate who assured the State Prosecutors all is being done to adequately address their concerns as put forward to the Minister of Justice.

It can be recalled in May of 2021, State Prosecutors again boycotted the May A.D term of Court opening due to the reasons similar mentioned above.

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