Diaspora Group Praises Gov’t for “Boosting Electricity, Passing MCC Score”


Diaspora Group Praises Gov’t for “Boosting Electricity, Passing MCC Score”

IPNEWS: The US-based Diaspora United for Weah One Round Election (DUWORE 2023) welcomes the news that the Liberian Government has satisfactorily met all steps necessary including the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the government of Côte d’Ivoire for the supply of electricity to Liberia. The electricity is going to be supplied through the Cote d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) power system.

This huge deal contains a 1,350-kilometer power transmission line and carries 225Kv and runs through the CLSG/ Transco gird network that connects Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and La Cote d’Ivoire.

The agreement allows the Ivorian company, CIE to deliver 25-megawatt power to Liberia beginning December 2022 and expand supply to 27 megawatts in January 2023.

Additionally, DUWORE takes note that the Liberian Government will soon initiate plans for the implementation to f a 20-megawatt solar project and the expansion of the Mt. Coffee Hydropower plant by 44 megawatts.

The US-based Liberian group also welcomes the news that plans are currently underway by the Government of Liberia, the West African Power Pool, and the World Bank to construct a 112-megawatt hydropower plant upstream of the St. Paul River.

“Clearly, all these checklists are very significant developments that indicate that the Weah Administration is committed to solving Liberia’s energy needs. The net effect of these efforts will lead to an expansion of our nation’s energy and economic infrastructure that will ignite the provision of cheap and reliable electricity to Liberians, which is a fundamental component of the Pro Poor Agenda,” DUWORE Chairman, Wilmot Kunney said.

The group also hailed President Weah for successfully mobilizing all sectors of government that led to Liberia passing the requirements of the Millennium Challenge Cooperation (MCC) score. “Despite the difficulties in the last few years, President Weah’s persistence and leadership led to Liberia’s unprecedentedly meeting the passing grade of 12 out of 20 MCC benchmarks.

“Again, this achievement is colossal because it adds another layer of capacity to the Government in meeting not just energy and other infrastructure needs of the country but has the potential of expanding growth and development.

“It is precisely because of these proven achievements of this government under the strong and patriotic leadership of Dr. George Manneh Weah in the span of just under 5 years, that have galvanized Liberians both at home and in the Diaspora to work hard and together to ensure that President Weah wins in the first round of the 2023 Presidential Elections,” Kunny stated.

According to him, sadly, while President Weah is working very hard to improve the lives of Liberians and holistically spread economic and infrastructural development throughout the country, “weak, visionless, and self-seeking opposition leaders want Liberians to close their eyes to these encouraging and spectacular development efforts, and even want to pretend that no positive developments are occurring.”

DUWORE informed the opposition that the eyes of the people are widely opened, and no amount of lies and deception will undermine the re-election of President Weah in the first round of the 2023 elections, “which will inevitably ensure the continuity of development and progress that has been the focus of this administration.”

Meanwhile, DUWORE calls on its members to close ranks and be prepared for peaceful and civil political battles to achieve its goal of electing President Weah in the first round of the elections.

Finally, DUWORE is appealing to members of the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change to form a political sea wall around the President, rededicate themselves to the purpose of participatory grass root democracy; and be  awake, available, willing , and prepared to counter   the forces of intelligentsia elitism  that feels entitled to the country’s leadership despite  decades of their catastrophic  leadership failures that created the  backwardness and underdevelopment in the Country  that President Weah  is now reversing county by county and region by region.

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